Axel & Rena Part 14 By: Renatamer

."** **"blackrenamon, you are the scourge of my past, the keeper of the shadows in my heart, and the reason i have found happiness in the arms of a digital monster..." axel said as that warm, lopsided smile appeared on his face.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 1 - Succubus

"um... we're called digimon, that's for digital monsters..." gomamon started to shiver a bit from those soft hands rubbing his scalp. "living computer programs from a digital world that come through portals.... you really couldn't care, uh?"

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Virtual Light Evolution (QCP: BF-Eps02)

That afternoon in the montropolis suburb of shinjuku where most of the digital monsters chose to live, felix walked up to a residence with the name of a digimon that he was seeking written on the mailbox.

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Digiverse Chapter 1

"digimon; short for digital monster, are creatures made of data", he explained; "we live in world that parallel to this world, known as the digital world." natsuru and haru continued to listen contently; intrigued by the words of the digimon.

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Fatimon monsters? something about champions too?" she paused momentarily. "i somewhat remember a theme song." jeremy somewhat remembered the show, but he hadn't seen it in ages either. "m-maybe?" he said, hesitantly.

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2023-02 Compilation

It's how we ended up with clichés around the digital monsters, including wargreymon, exveemon, and renamon all being sex monsters in their own distinct ways.

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Axel & Rena Part 7 By: Renatamer

'here i am, a grown woman about take the advice of a digital monster.' but why not, in some screwed up way it made perfect sense.** ** for 2 hours she and rena had talked, mostly about kimmy's secret longing to be with axel.

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Show me that courage!

Both young digital monsters closed their eyes as they locked themselves into the kiss. its duration was short, because of the horny lizard starting to push inside; the red pulsing member was starting to go inside the love box.

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My Friend, my love...

Rika narrowed her eyes at this, but she reached to her card deck and took out a digital monster's card game card from her small container attached to her belt. rika held her digivice and then neared her hand with the card, "digi-modify!"

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Digital Destiny - Chapter two (Final)

It did not seem like a viable theory for the digital monster and she wished to retort, but her master's eyes prevented her from doing so. his simple hypothesis was sincere and in a way, she felt he attempted to reassure her with his words.

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Threads of Fate, Chapter Four.4

It looked a little bit like a cross between a wrist watch and one of those little digital monster toys from japan. blinking, he looked between it and her, unsure what it was. "it helps," she nodded.

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