Midline Shift 48 - Keelah Se'lai

campbell." "really?" said the doctor. "even his arm?"

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The Change: Chapter 1

Soldiers were relaxing for the first time in months, the stewardesses were happy to be noticed as several of them exchanged contact pins with the galactic military personnel, and john and alex campbell had grown quite fond of each other.

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Halloween 2013: Part 5

"we have something special planned, it seems our top scientist dr james campbell has had a bit of a disagreement with the production team and someone's seen fit to introduce him to his own goo, let's watch.

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I work for campbell forbes hodgson out of cairo! he created skam after bigfoot killed his wife and kids! after that, he swore to wipe all of the world's monsters off the face of the earth, once and for all!" krystal whispered to me.

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Origin of the FinalGamer 4 - The Net Tightens

"the search continues for the wanted fugitive james robert campbell violently assaulted army officials and vandalising army property.

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Remember the Oath 12 - Skate and Take

campbell." "yeah?" asked fg weakly. "can i have a word with you after we take these boys to the station nearby?" "uhhh sure, i don't min-" "scyyyyy!"

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Expedition: Into the Darkness

campbell." sera smiled. "actually, no." akeya replied.

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The Promise 1 - To Her Family

Gerald campbell, and mary elizabeth campbell née thompson."** kirie's mouth gaped wider than it had ever been, her eyes twitching with shock at the state of the two raptors as she shook her head floating up to the glass.

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Midline Shift 37 - Facility XR-1

Transmission has now ceased, subject campbell has disabled it without further injury. returning to the ship now."_

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Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 1 - Furious Flotsam

"campbell?" the captain merely rubbed his lower jaw as if thinking he needed a shave. "hmmmmm...and where do you come from, james campbell?" "far away." "that's a rather vague answer."

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