The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter6

Similar, i suppose, to echolocation, but i feel my surroundings rather than hearing the sounds bouncing off of them." looking back towards us, her face a stoic mask, she added, "many of us had come from harsh worlds of our own.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Nine

He didn't tell him that each of the thousands of cones was also a sensitive acoustic receptor, together functioning much like a bat's echolocation to track objects as they moved through the immense space.

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Chapter III: Zero Hour

I am also a shark don't forget, i can smell everything, and out of water where electronic sensing would work one could say i evolved a very primitive echolocation."

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an endless voyage ch 39

"the skin as you can see is a composite material designed to absorb or scatter all known forms of sensor beams, including primitive radio echolocation, or 'radar' to use the human term. but that is just the beginning.

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Two-Step Revival

She also used her echolocation abilities, her echo-bursts ... to draw them away. to send them off on wild goose chases. they scurried across a street. from cracked sidewalk to cracked sidewalk. nobody else in view.

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The Sole of the Destroyer 1: Nightfall

Like echolocation, the bouncing electrical signals were able to form a network with the electrical signals in brains, in other devices, bouncing off of everything in the city.

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Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 5

echolocation isn't exactly in my blood." "just hold onto my tail and i'll guide you." "must i really have my eyes closed?" "for now. trust me, you'll need it."

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A Safe Hunt

If her constant cackles didn't already echolocate her perfectly. she had no idea where she was going, but she continued on just as fast.

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Leviathan Chapter Twelve: Justice

Another low moan escaped her, a vibration of the fluid-filled melon at the front of her head that enabled her echolocation.

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Waking Brother Long

He did not have echolocation but his great spread of whiskers served a similar function, sensing vibrations in the water or the tiniest change in the currents.

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Buzzing Around

I won't be able to use the swinging pole trick again..." she pondered, "color changing won't help me if they can echolocate. good old fashioned beating it is then!" "you won't get us this time, chameleon!"

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Sex in the Office

Orsakia chuckled throatily, a light clicking rising from his head as he mildly, inadvertently, used echolocation, even though he didn't need to paint a mental picture of the room at that time.

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