The Agency: On Fire

**Disclaimer** **\*\*\*\*\*** **Wanted** The Agency is seeking driven, enthusiastic, experienced firemen to enjoy and exercise in the carnal pleasures of life for a long-term teaching position imparting their knowledge to similarly enthusiastic,...

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 23

The next firefight occurred a few intersections later, guards waiting for them. they only lost one--gut shot that, without a medic, would have been a miserable way to die, so anders ended it quickly.

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The Old Assistant

More hands joined in, and with the effort of six firefighters the tie was broken, a gush of cum from marsh's ass drenching us all before the bear's hole closed back up with admirable resilience.

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My Eagle's Gambit

Whatever i dreamt about faded into the wails of police cars, ambulances, firefighters? since when did my narrow alley of a street have room for firefighters?

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 06 — Her Past

Tags : story series, no-yiff, lucario, story of a lifetime, near tragedy, a firefighter to the rescue -- 06 -- her past once the fight had ended and the blaziken had gone, tala and tashida went back to their room.

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Downtown Skirmish

I shouted over the sound of the firefight, "i thought this place was already liberated!"

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As terrific as you are at your job, no firefighter's perfect." the chimera grunted thoughtfully. "so what was so special about that particular time, though? what made it different?"

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tales of bovines

"firefighters spouses... and he took the car... how do the hell i go back?!?!" "i can take you mister angus."

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Wastelands-Chapter 36-The Beginning of the End Part 1 of 2-The War For Greenville

From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of every firefighter and civilian in greenville. thank you." i accepted, "i'm happy we helped." 'rigs are here boss", a young sounding firefighter said from the door way. "cool.

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