Peppy's Humiliation

Pigma laughed and backhanded the hare across the face, getting a shocked yelp from the hare. the hit didn't stop him from struggling, however.

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Cabin Heat

"my, my, master," his deer smiled, slowly walking forward to the hare, swaying his curvy hips in order to tease the hare. "you look a little..." he stood in front of the stunned hare then traced his finger down the lagomorph's chest. "...tense."

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[Commission]Pump and Suck 2

She held the hare in her hands as she moved through the area. excitement traveled through her body at the thought of gaining more muscles. her eyes drifted down towards the hare and sighed.

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The hare quickly scrambled to his paws and began to circle around the donkey, waiting for an opportunity to show him how a hare could kick.

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Love on a Battlefield Pt.2

And the hare just loved to be tied up and used like a bunny slut for his mate, as did jay for the hare. there were some nights they would just spend hours cuddling with each other. simply glad to have the other to love and hold.

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Late One Night

The hare was looking down at himself, tears starting to matte down his facial fur.

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The Lifeguard's Life Essence

It wasn't a giant one, but one didn't expect those of hares. his rump, though... rodrigo smirked as he saw those muscular bunny buns bouncing as the hare jogged towards the volleyball nets. oh, they were lovely, indeed.

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Chapter I: In the Backwoods

The hare scoffed. "let me have it then." "i'm sorry... but..." the hare took the leaf-roll back and started to eat on it. "why didn't you show yourself clearly, mr hare?" cinnabar inquired. "i thought i did?" the hare answered.

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Aboard the Good Ship Eisenmann

The hare seemed reluctant to do so. "like flowers turning to the sun. god made us that way." still, the hare stood as distinctly apart from his companion, who had stopped to put his clothes back on, for the hare's comfort, as he could.

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