Swimming With The Sharks

Ronnie would certainly get a saturday surf in. -funkazan, 06/23

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"Advent" - Chapter 2 - The Rescue

I've never seen anyone out on the surf at night like me. so how did you get in the water? lookout point might have come into play if you truly did fall into the water, but why we're you up there?

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Cephalopods, part 3

Flipping over, the creature crawled towards the surf, pausing as a chorus of yells and cries drifted through the air from up the beach.

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California Madness, Pt. 2

Didn't she know that it's not safe to swim on a big surf day if you're not a strong swimmer?"

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Under more pleasant circumstances

surfing was his escape from the society and its sometimes-hectic confines, and he even had a floodlight installed so he could surf at night when the mood struck him.

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Christmas Wish

He was also the one who taught me to surf. it always surprised my friends at school, and even more my acquaintances, that i could surf and surf well. i was supposed to be a nerd, snout in a book and my head in the clouds.

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The Moonlight Beach

I woke up slowly, when i opened my eyes i was met with the dark of the night, and the bright moon shines across the surf and sand.

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Beyond the Hold: Chapter Two

Only malana did not seem to share his excitement as she watched the sisters making their way to the surf.

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Dolphins and Sunsets

It was later in the day which is my favorite time to head out into the water and surf for two reasons. for one, there isn't as many kooks \*cough\* err... i mean people surfing during sunset.

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Tale 9-5 - The Worst Stomach Ache Ever

So, without really realizing what he was doing, smokey ended up getting wrapped up in a surfing contest, since that's how such disputes were settled on beaches, right?

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Beach Fun

No one to pester him in the surf! he took a breath, unfolding his arms. like a child, he broke and ran. as he sprinted into the water, he high-stepped out as far as he could.

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I Like to Watch...Eleventh Glance

Still, as a city colt who loved to surf, how could i resist those waves? after all, i had begged my parents to take me to this sleepy seaside town for a holiday entirely on the basis of the write up the waves had gotten in my favourite surfing blog.

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