Hero, Chapter 1

Chest Day was Guntur's favorite day of the week. Other people - normal people, SMALL people - called it Monday. The sun bear let a snarl thunder up through his gritted teeth. He forced the dumbbells together - the heaviest set in the gym - again, and...

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Zen's Secret

The sunset blared stunning shades of orange and gold as the two furs walked up the hill to their apartment. Zen glanced sideways at his companion, Miranda. They had been discussing their plans for the upcoming semester break. "I think I'm going to...

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Breaking the Rules

I hate walking home like this. Every step I take is one step closer towards my house. One step closer towards being grounded. Once I'm in the house, stepping into that door, I'm not coming out until Monday, at the least. This is awful. It's supposed to...

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The First Crossroads

**Vixen's Choice** The entrance to the Yiff Zone awaited Lily and Vixen as Lily recounted the events of that morning to Vixen who waited with bated breath at every twist in her story. "So my idiot brother just stands there with his dick out like he's...

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Touch Fluffy Tail

You had been in shade for at least fifteen minutes now. The sun had disappeared behind the mountain to which you slowly trekked towards, allowing the cooler wind to take over where the warm rays no longer touched. The gust would blow over you with the...

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Andrew Reynard stared at himself in the mirror, mild panic wracking him. Yellow-brown eyes stared back from under furrowed brows, as he whispered to his reflection. "Ok. Mom and Dad are out of town. And you're all by yourself. But that's ok. You can...

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A Mild Sky

The remainder of the day was indolent. Skye had been traveling all over Sinnoh with Ruki over just a few days, and they would be right back out tomorrow. Skye needed a break. They lied in bed together until it began to come upon early evening, just as...

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Alternate Form of Payment

Trevor grunted through his parched throat as he pistoned his dick in and out of the raccoon on the bed of leaves beneath him. Greasy black hair was matted against his face, and the husky opossum's elbows knocked against his sides with the...

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Twotopia - Chapter 2: The Big Meltdown

"smaller animal then, racoon, fox or." "a weasel." they both concluded looking to each other. "looks like we're looking up duke weaselton again." nick grinned. a look that quickly melted away as the creek of metal below began to howl. "run!"

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Seven Stars.

Skye pulled her shirt off the moment she and Ruki were inside. With a soft sigh, she sat on the bed and fell onto her back. "What a day..." As tired as she felt, she still wanted to try the restaurant she saw out in the courtyard earlier. Skye sat up...

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Business With More Than A Smile

# Business With More Than A Smile ## Jade Smile Resort, South East Ezil ## 17th of December, 3:00 PM * * * Sizzling concrete, singeing furs and scorching sands, Ezil's Summer sun blazed in all of its fiery glory. Everyfur came to the South East of...

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Stuck in the middle

# Stuck in the middle Everyone around him used to say that he was so lucky he got the perfect roommate. Well, for a gay guy who had the social skills of a frightened deer. The Golden Retriever was hot, smoking hot, tall, handsome, and had the perfect,...

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