Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Entry 57

Pirate-themed, and pirate-attended - 4 \*castlevania and environs 3 6) the zerg and the xenomorphs - 9 (50% chance of success for the queen of blades, best of 3) 7) the final count-down - 1 (60% chance of success, rolled 3 times) 8) ayumi, both lara crofts

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Angle of Sin

Made the furry transfer she just became a deer because i see most english women as timid and strangely beautiful, but as a human she was british so bear with her accent for now, she is still a deer but she sounds so cool, like pre tomb raider transfer laura croft

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Samuel's Pick-Pocketing Surprise - 4 Sweet Dreams My Beagle (Clean)

All this became mute though, as they turned the corner into crofts street and samuel saw a tortoise shelled cat standing outside kuenia's shop holding a bag. "hey it's g!" samuel called running to the feline. "did you forget something dog?"

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Samuel's Pick-Pocketing Surprise - 1 The Colours of a Dusty Beagle (Clean)

"thank you for the kind offer samuel," kuenia said choosing to ignore the sarcasm that had accompanied the words then continued "however i have an apartment behind my shop in crofts street.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Entry 47

Losing her virginity; maid marian has a 30% chance of being ravished) 11) our teams meet up for the final approach - 2 (60% chance of success, rolled 5 times) 12) draco and friends - 3 (mostly sex, but 70%, best of 3 all the same) 13) ayumi, both lara crofts

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Dreams which may come true...pt4

This is david croft, he's my...business partner and he brought me home form a meeting tonight." alex said while opening his door. "oh, well. as long as you are alright. if you need anything..." "i'll let you know ms. chancy. you sleep well, okay?"

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The basics in life

His younger cousins compared him to a less masculine lora croft... which did plenty for his ego. when he brought up nathan drake they said he wasn't _that_ funny, or strong enough. and of course cool enough.

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Tricks of the Trade and Trading Masters...

When they got to their destination jeff was never so happy to see home as he looked up at the old castle walls with the banner of rosen croft pinned on them.

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Samuel's Pick-Pocketing Surprise - 1 The Colours of a Dusty Beagle (Adult)

"thank you for the kind offer samuel," kuenia said choosing to ignore the sarcasm that had accompanied the words then continued "however i have an apartment behind my shop in crofts street.

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Haunted House Party: Truth or Dare

She'd almost dyed it brown to match the character she'd dressed as - lara croft, but her mother had thrown a fit at the idea so she'd left it as it was. the urge to obey her parents was a constant sore point for her.

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Change of Perspective Page 29

#32 of change of perspective art is done by croft story by me. i might be adding more story details/fixing anything i see as i post. the story can always be improved. and as always please comment, i love comments! thank you for reading.

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A day in the life

It was as i was dreaming of angela and demona in a number of lara croft style adventures that one of the staff tugged my sleeve and directed me back to the dressing rooms.

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