Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Destiny's Way:Chapter 1: A very rude awakening

Is this how all of you firefoxes look?" the riolu said quickly, blushing at being scared. again. "yeah, you look kinda like a flareon, just smaller!"

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Ty - Chapter 2 - The Dance

He smiled as he tossed on his firefox t-shirt that he'd got online, on top of that he wore a black hoodie. he tossed on a black pair of pants to complete the look and grabbed his keys. "i'm gone mom!"

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Rain's Lullaby - part 1

Edit: found a way to use firefox to correct my spelling.

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Enemy of my Enemy, Chapter 6

I finally tried uploading it in firefox instead of chrome, and it seemed to work. now i need to find out why chrome is screwing this up, because firefox is a bloated, sluggish piece of crap. >_< "wow."

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Twist of Cain - Part 1

Throwing the textbook and notebook back in his bag, cain went back to his computer, shutting off the itunes library, clicking on the firefox browser he used to surf the web.

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Where He Belongs

#5 of old misc stories first off, i'd like to thank caninelover91 for suggesting i switch to firefox (it worked lol) i can post stuff now. ok, so this is really just test story, i really just pulled the idea for it out of the air.

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The hack: Chapter 8 (Trent)

I opened firefox which is my browser and turned on private browsing, i begun to check for any people who have aron's parent's username and found a few social media accounts, i checked each one and found his mother, i was unable to find his father's social

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Mereck Stories Ch. 7

So, i had to write it again, and lose it halfway since firefox crashed on me. well, on my third time, i played it smart, and typed it up on my word processor before i transferred it to yiffstar.

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Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 2 - Chloe's In The Deep Freeze

A short skunk with large glasses placed a sign on the wall perpendicular to my chamber which i read out angrily, "cerinian firefox. able to create powerful flames. homeworld: cerinia."

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Moon Is Mean #1

After eying the fleeing feline for a few moments, the firefox-type hurled the custom-made pokeball with perfect accuracy; beaning the tiny trainer square in the back and knocking her to the floor with an audible squeak.

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Collar 17 -- Revelations

"good to see that the diocese's money is well-spent," the firefox noted with an edge in her voice. i didn't want to argue with her, for any number of reasons, not the least of which being that i'd probably lose the argument.

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