Adipose City: Sustenance and Solace

Beyond the farms and ranches were the forests, slowly reclaiming the ruins of suburbia and growing wild in land that was too mountainous or rocky to develop into farmland, too mineral-poor

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The train passed by suburbia, then a factory district, and a train yard before we were swallowed whole by a dark tunnel. finally, the train arrived at the new york station and i hurried out of the car.

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Untouchable: Chapter 7: Who we are

Like i said my family was in a community pack, my cultural heritage didn't really make sense growing up in the city, well suburbia," xander said, "i kinda want to look into it now.""

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Its Quieter Here

The calm quiet of suburbia was interrupted by the roar of some very unexpected and unexplainable deaths.

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Loverhood's Beginning: Chapter 3 - Hunger Strike

"we got bribery and crime for days, too many manhattanites looking down on us, plenty of sandy beaches, plenty of assholes, the occasional superfund site, and too much suburbia for my taste." i let out a whistle.

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Riley was putting the final pieces together for his war, and wanted to see where this kind of fur came from; as it turns out, they came from upper-middle class suburbia.

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Helping the Mailbitch relax

However, we are not here to enjoy the history, we are here to tell the story about a certain suburbia's favorite mailwoman or as some others, including herself, called her openly when referring to her, the mailbitch.

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My route took me beyond suburbia and into the less densely populated part of the town. this was where the more wealthy people lived and there was much unused land in between their properties.

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Sweet Summer Fun - Spring -

As he skilfully navigated through traffic, suburbia gradually transitioned into groves and eventually actual woodlands. holly's eyes widened in awe at the towering trees, whilst aiden pulled into a park and turned off the engine.

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Scenes We'd Like To See

It also encouraged snooping, the twitching of curtains that had always existed in suburbia. the rise of the cameras gave this legitimacy as you could now spy on your street from the comfort of your couch.

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Out The Door

It is of course possible to detect more subtle things like gender and age (well cub or adult at least); but in cities and even suburbia, everything gets mixed together and the finer points get obfuscated.

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An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 2

Just think of a desolate suburbia with just over a hundred houses, a church, a shop, a park and a field. despite its lack of pretty much everything, daniel liked it here, and so did his father. which reminds me to tell you more about him.

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