Cursed Lust

Story by Synergy on SoFurry

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Just something super lewd I had in my head involving my characters. This is the first story I've ever written...

Please leave a comment. :3

Cursed Lust

by Xerokyzer @


Warning: Contains m/m, m/f, f/f interactions, and detailed impregnation.

This is a work of fiction containing anthropomorphic characters (Furries)

Characters depicted are 18 years of age or older

Characters belong to me. Dante belongs to

It was the first day of spring, the smell of flowers starting to bloom marks the beginning of the season, breeding season. This is the season Kaizer knows all too well, the wolf tiger hybrid waking from his friends couch after a night of heavy drinking, stretches his arms, welcoming the cool morning air.

*Yawns*... "ugh. Feel like shit... Mornin'!" He says in a half drowsy tone, not expecting a reply. He stumbles off the sofa, tripping over the coffee table and falls face first onto the plush carpet of his friends apartment.

"Wuh--aah!" *WAM!* "...owe..." He muffles into the carpet. Picking himself up after his graceful decent, he tilts his head to the sound of chuckling.

"Ha ha, oh man, rough night?"

The source of laughter coming from the overly toothy grin of a gruff looking tiger-shark. Axle, a hulking mass of a specimen standing at eight feet and sporting a visible muscle gut, his bright orange shark scales are complimented with streaks of jet black jagged tiger lines that give off a dangerous air that would startle most at a glance, but not Kaizer. The multitude of scars mark the tale of a sculpted body shaped by the sea. The tiger-shark smirks, showing off his razor sharp teeth, completely unaware to how it's giving him a menacing appearance. Slightly startled by Axle's laughter, he nearly jumps, his cat reflexes going into overdrive.

"A-axle! Geez, don't sneak up on me big guy."

Axle averts his gaze a bit realizing Kaiser is wearing nothing but a pair of plaid boxer shorts, a noticeable wet patch next to a bad case of morning wood is proudly on display, with only his fluffy coal gray fur and pastel pink tiger stripes being flaunted to the room.

Slightly blushing a bit, Axle responds. "I uh... *ahem* thought you'd be dressed by now, hope you remembered what today is?"

Kaiser, now hyper aware of the cool morning air caressing his naked form, blushes furiously as he attempts to turn a bit, failing to look decent, his bushy wolf tail wrapped between his legs.

"I-I was hot from the alcohol, uh-um... what was today again?"

Axle sighs a bit as he walks towards the kitchen. "Karen's throwing a party, and we're invited, plus it'll be good for you to get out of the house and get some fresh air."

He's pouring two glasses of orange juice, and motions for Kaizer to join him. Grabbing a shirt and pulling it over his head, he lurches towards Axle. "Ugh, she knows I don't like social activities." Kaizer sits beside the burly shark accepting the gesture. Axle knocks back the glass of OJ like a shot, finishing it in one go.

"Ahhh... Which is why it's good for you. Heck, you might make some new friends while we're there, maybe crash at someone else's place for a change, Ha!" He smacks Kaizer on the back, causing him to almost spill his drink.

The morning goes by with the two getting ready for the party tonight, with Kaizer making a proper breakfast for himself, and Axle deciding to take a shower. "Better get dressed if I'm gonna be seen in public." he mutters to himself as he heads towards the guest closet.

Further down the hall, the sound of running water can be heard, steam permeating the long corridor. Upon reaching the closet to grab something to wear, his keen sense of hearing picks up the subtle sounds of panting coming from the other end of the hallway, curiosity gets the better of him and he sneaks up beside the door. A mischievous grin soon spreads along his visage with a deep blush. With a knowing look on his face, he listens in carefully.

The water cascades down the tiger-shark's toned body, his orange scales shimmering in the artificial light, the musk of an apex predator in rutt all too noticeable. Axle breathes through his mouth, lost in a daze as he pumps his thick twin shark phallus's, precum dribbling from the tips as he gets closer to release.

"Hurf...mnn *huff* hah, ah." thoughts of breeding running through his head.

"Grah! Damn this season, mnf, hah." pumping faster and harder, he starts to jerk his hips in time to his furious ministrations, his heart beating faster as well. Precum bubbles at his tips in a frothy mess, his tips twitch and the feeling of his internal testes aching with pent up seed lets him know he's close. With a grunt, his cocks stiffen and his cum slits dilate letting loose his messy payload.

"G-gaah! huff mmnnff ahh! fuck yes!" Thick rope after virile rope paints the shower walls in sticky alabaster jizz, which is quickly washed away by the cascading shower water. Panting softly and trying to catch his breath, his twin cannons slowly soften and retract back between his claspers. With a satisfied sigh, Axle finishes cleaning up with what little hot water remains.

Kaizer, having heard his best friend just rub one out, has gotten him very hot and very bothered. The sound of water being shut off warns him he'd better get away from the door.

"Damn, dude. Ok ok, time to get dressed for real now." Continuing back to the closet, he finds what he needs and bolts carefully to the living room. By the time his pants are on, the bathroom door is heard opening. Steam dissipates throughout the hall as soon as the door opens. Peeking around the corner, Kaizer can see Axle wrapped waist down in a towl that's trying it's best to cover it's sizable owner, some water still dripping from his fins as he heads towards his room to get dressed.

(Don't think he caught me...) *~whew*

"Hey Kai!" Axle shouts down the hall startling Kaizer.

"Y-yes?!" a mortified expression crossing his face.

"You see where my keys went!?"

"my fucking heart man!" "U-um no, did you check the shelf?!" ......

"Aha! found 'em!"

Finally returning to the living room, emerges a shark dressed in a rather flashy tropical button up shirt with khaki shorts, his grin baring all his teeth.

"What kinda party is this anyway? You look like you're going to a luau."

"It's a pool party and the theme is island adventure. Now get yer fuzzy ass in the car, we're gonna be late."

"Alright alright, let's just get this over with."

The drive isn't long, and they reach what appears to be a gated manor, Axle parks the car near the gated entrance and steps out of the vehicle.

"Hang on I gotta text Karen. Gates locked..."

"Uh, sure."

It doesn't take long before a scrawny looking otter shows up wearing a beige jumpsuit and an orange cap, he waves on approach.

"Hey! Gate locked? Lemme get that for you man!"

Upon reaching the gate terminal, the otter inputs a code and the locking mechanism clicks, allowing access to the manor.

"Eh, damn thing's been on the fritz all day, sorry 'bout that."

Kaizer leans out of the car window to get a better look at the manor. "Woah! hold up, Karen owns a freaking manor?!"

The otter perks up and replies. "Nah man, this place is company property, dude who owns it let's people rent it out. Parties in the back, business upfront."

Upon reaching the entrance, the group is greeted by a slim looking blonde collie dressed in a neon blue two piece bathing suit.

"Kai! You actually came!" Her tail is wagging a mile a minute. "Me and Darius made a bet on whether you'd come or not."

*Mwah!* She kisses him on the cheek, a shade of red soon follows. "Thanks for making me fifty bucks richer!"

Reeling from the surprise affection, he puts a paw on his cheek. "Now you guys are making bets on me?"

"Awe, don't be mad. I knew you couldn't say no to me."

Out of nowhere, Axle shows up behind Kaizer carrying a bowl of potato salad. "I didn't know what to bring, so I made a little something."

"Gah, Axle! You really gotta stop sneaking up on people!"

Karen starts giggling. "Hehe, thanks Axle. Come on inside, we can put it with the rest of the snacks."

Upon entering the manor, Kaizer is hit with the strongest smell of something sweet, something raw and primal, the smell of a bitch in heat, the sudden urge to mate coursing through his veins making him sweat.

"Whew, uh h-hey w-where's the bathroom in this place?" His mind racing, fighting the urge to just mount the nearest thing with a pulse.

Karen turns to see him struggling. "Oh, um, up the stairs, to the left, down the hall, second on your right... You okay? You don't look so hot."

"FINE! I mean, t-thank you." In order to regain his sanity, he makes a mad dash up the stairs, tripping occasionally.

After watching the unusual display of behavior before them, Karen is the first to speak after the awkward silence.

"Um... is he gonna be alright?" Tilting her head in confusion.

Axle shrugs, uncertain as to what he just witnessed. "When ya gotta go, ya gotta go I guess?"

A look of concern washing upon her face. "I should check on him, he looked like he was in pain."

Meanwhile in the upstairs bathroom. "Hah... who is it? This was a bad idea... nnh, go down go down! hah... ah damn it."


(SHIT SHIT SHIT!) "O-occupied!"

"It's me, Karen, are you okay in there?"

"Uh, yep, doin' great, just finishing up in here!" (FUCK, NO I'M NOT, GO AWAY!)

"Well... ok... um, I'll let Axle know you're okay." ......

(Is she gone?) ... "Can't stay in here all night... gotta think... hm? Aha!"

Back downstairs, the party seems to be really heating up now. Navigating her way through the party goers, she happens upon one of her coworkers. Vix, a female hyena with pink, brown, and white Neapolitan ice cream markings, is dressed in a green one piece bathing suit with an unbuttoned tropical shirt leaving her chest free, she's surrounded by two girls who look worried.

"Hey, is everything alri-... ah." Upon stepping closer, a very strong smell invades Karen's nose making itself known.

"Hi Karen." One of the party goers, an alligator named Di, speaks up. "Vix just fainted a few seconds ago, it feels like she has a fever."

The other girl, a gazelle, interrupts. "I keep telling you, she's just drunk."

Karen realizing exactly what's up, politely informs the two that Vix has just entered her heat cycle. "Oh this is bad! Can you girls take her to one of the guest rooms up stairs? She's not safe here. I'm gonna ask around to see if anyone brought any heat suppressants."

"Yeah sure, we'll keep an eye on her."

"Thank you... oh, Hey Di? have you seen Axle?"

"You mean shark dude? He's in the pool area chatting with Dave."

"Thanks." Karen proceeds towards the pool area taking the time to ask the other female patrons if they brought any heat suppressants. With no luck, she heads outside. Looking around, she easily spots Axle, who happens to be conversing with Dave, the scrawny otter from earlier. As she approaches the duo, her ears catch the tale end of their conversation before being noticed and soon is called over to join them. Axle is relaxing in the Jacuzzi knocking back a can of beer.

"Yo, Karen!" The otter calls out. "I fixed the Jacuzzi, should be blowin' bubbles like mad now."

"Hey, nice, thanks for coming out here to fix this place up."

"No prob, I gotta go meet my next client, but give me a call if anything else breaks. Later!" He picks up his tool box, and adjusts his cap as he leaves.

"Bye!... OH! Axle, Kaizer says he's ok, but he sounded distressed."

"Huh? Well if he says so, he better hurry though, the beer's not gonna last long with me around." He then proceeds to crush the empty can on the ground beside him.

"Hey! those are for everyone, wait, aren't you driving?!"

"Dave said we could crash for the night. Don't worry, I'll be sober in the morning."

"Fine but I need help with something."

"What's that?"

"One of the girls just went into heat, and no one has any medicine. Look, I know you're off duty tonight, but can you play the role of bouncer?"

"Yeah for sure, but uh, you know it's breeding season, right? I can't protect everyone."

"Shit. This is really bad, I need to call Darius."

Back upstairs, the all too familiar smell of a male in rutt seeps from the hall bathroom. Failing to relieve himself of his sexual frustration, Kaizer enters the hallway, his nasal cavity packed to the brim with tissue.

"If this doesn't work, *huff* n-nothing will, *huff* If anyone asks; you had a nose bleed." Kaizer panting in frustration, has succumbed to his bodies primal urges. With the attempted plan to diffuse the situation by plugging his nostrils with tissue failing, he begins making his way through the hall towards the staircase back downstairs. Not even halfway down the hall, Kaizer stops to see two girls leaving one of the guest bedrooms, they look like they're... k-kissing?! The duo too busy smooching to notice him, start stumbling down the opposite hall into another bedroom, completely unaware of their surroundings.

"I hate this place, it's f-fucking with my head. Gah, can't think, can't breathe *huff*. I need fresh ai-huh?"

Kaizer's ears flick to the sudden sound of the guest room door opening. A drowsy looking hyena girl steps into the hallway, she's panting and entirely naked, her breasts are bountiful with the topmost pair able to fill a C-cup bra, leading to her second row looking like it could fill a B-cup, with the third and last row being an A-cup. Her tail hangs lazily, uncaring of covering up it's owners nethers. It looks like she's confused as to where she is. Upon laying his eyes upon her frame, his mind overheats and crashes, all cognitive thought leaving his already lust addled mind. His arms fall to his side, jaw slack and frothing at the mouth. Noticing the hybrid standing dumbfounded next to her, Vix turns with a drunk smile, lust has overtaken the girl. Her body is hot and achy, and there's a fire she needs to extinguish. Examining her prey, she notices the awfully painful looking tent in his trousers, then it hits her, the raw primal scent of a male in rutt! Her womb kicks into overdrive, causing a shiver up her spine and down her tail which begins wagging frantically. Licking her lips, she grabs Kaizer by the arm, dragging him into the guest room.

She can't wait, her body not her own. Acting almost entirely on instinct, she reaches for the hem of his pants, removing them with gusto. Sharp fangs line her smile at getting closer to her prize. Being this close to his musk racks her body in an orgasmic rush, she can't help but draw in close to get a big whiff of pheromones through his plaid boxers. Streaks of femcum drench her thighs as she jills herself, impatient of what's to come. Finally, she breaches his last line of defense. With a tug of his boxers, she's greeted with a boop on the nose by nine inches of throbbing purple wolf meat, his knot still constricted by his sheath. She pushes her nose to the base of his groin, breathing in his scent.


Without hesitating, she starts at his knot, licking up to the head, lapping up the steady supply of pre trailing down and gives a light smooch to the tip before engulfing him into her maw. Her tongue wraps and massages around his shaft getting him nice and wet. Reaching his base, she lightly pulls his sheath down to expose the knot, then motions her tongue farther down, lapping at his bulb. The onslaught of being deepthroated, wakes Kaizer from his stupor, leaving him to watch in disbelief at the sudden display, purring in pleasure. Trying to speak, he places a paw on her head stroking her ears as she bobs up and down his length. "Y-you're in h-he-aah! *huff* W-wait... I'm hah ah, I-!"

Without stopping, she feels him twitch and buries her head down to his hips and holds him. His balls tighten and his knot expands pumping warm cum down her throat, his paws curl as she drinks her fill. With a wet pop and a remaining shot across her face, she turns around and gets on all fours placing a paw at her swollen pussy lips, spreading her folds. She turns her head and raises her tail. "Breed me."

The second her tail is raised, Kaizer has mounted her, his weight added on her back causing her to yip in excitement. Steadying himself with his right arm, he takes the opportunity of reaching under her to grope at her tits. His bitch breaker throbs with renewed energy, waiting to spear her depths. Far beyond hope, Kaizer rips the useless tissue blocking his nose, welcoming the scent of a fresh bitch in heat. His pupils dilate, blood boils, and the evolutionary thrill of knocking this bitch up is making him a slave to her body's needs. With his paw busy tugging at her nipples, he bites her left shoulder gently to hold her in place. Readjusting a bit, he positions his puppy maker to her slit, entering her inch by inch, spreading her apart until he meets some resistance... her hymen! With a feral grunt, he breaks the seal, the expected pain never comes, but is replaced with overwhelming pleasure thanks to her heat. It's not long after, that she feels her cervix get kissed by her new lover. His tapered tip, built to impregnate, teases her womb open for better chances of insemination. His thick knot presses against her lips, straining to break in, but not yet. He pulls out some, getting into the rhythm of thrusting into her depths, he slams back in, repeating the motion with his hips, rocking back and forth. Vix moans as he hilts back inside her, legs buckling every time his knot pounds against her clit, leaving her shaking with her head held low, panting and moaning.

"Aah! Hah! Yes! Fuck me!" Her words spurring the beast in him, his thrusting getting more desperate, balls aching for release as his breathing becomes ragged. He grunts into her shoulder, squeezing her breast in his paw as he feels her loosening around his knot. She reaches a paw to feel the impression of his dick on her belly as he pumps into her.

"Ah! Y-you-hah! You getting c-close baby?! Ngh, T-tie with me!" Faster and harder, his thrusting is wild as her walls ripple around him, milking copious amounts of precum into her womb, she feels a slight cramp as her ovaries ramp up in gear to supply enough fresh eggs. She barks as she feels his knot pop inside her, locking them for good. With less room to thrust, his fluffy balls are left to tickle her clit, and the sheer pressure of his knot pushing against her G-spot causes her to shake uncontrollably as her orgasm hits. Feeling her shake and tighten around him is what sets him off. His balls tighten as his knot thickens, jizz pulses up his shaft, blasting through her cervix and filling her womb with jets of hot virile cum. Kaizer raises his head as his orgasm hits.

"Guh-ha! A-aaawwwoooooo!!! Hah, aah!" Howling as he empties inside her, his sperm seeks out and ravages her eggs, filling her with a soon to be litter of pups. With strength leaving her body, she collapses onto the floor with her tongue hanging out and a satisfied look on her face.

"Mmmm, hah, gooood boy..." She feels a sudden shift behind her as Kaizer lifts his leg and turns around, completing the tie, leaving the two ass to ass. With her womb packed to the brim with virile spunk, the fire in her loins is sated. Too exhausted from their coupling, she barely manages to turn her head. Kaizer is sound asleep, having passed out from a sensory overload. Consciousness waning, she decides to do the same. The two pass out on the carpet soaked in a mix of their own juices.

3 miles away from the party, Darius, a very flamboyant looking pastel blue poodle is at home relaxing on the couch after a long day of working at the pharmaceutical plant. He's wearing a red leather collar with a gold heart he received as a birthday present from his best friend (with benefits) Kaizer. His poofy ears jolt up at the sound of his phone ringing.

*breep, breep, bre-* ... "Oh, hi Karen! How's the party goin'?"

"It's bad! One of the girls just went into heat!"

"What, really?"

"Yes! Shit, are you able to drive?"


"Good! Listen, I need you to get contraceptive medication, heat suppressors, and condoms! LOTS of condoms! H-hey! Stop, get off! Gyaah!"

Lifting from the couch in a panic. "K-karen?... Karen? The hell is happening down there?! Hey Karen!"

"I'm here, I'm here! Things got worse. Just, tell me you'll be quick, please? I gotta go!"

"H-hey wait! What size condoms?!... Karen? Fuckin'..." *boop*

Grabbing his coat and a clean pair of slacks, he heads out into the brisk night air, the sun having set just a few seconds ago leaving a blanket of twilight across the clear starry sky. Leaving his driveway, he makes his trip to a local pharmacy, the building is white, covered with repainted off white splotches from a recent grafiti tagging spree. A red cross being emphasized over the entrance. After finding a parking spot, he heads inside the boring white building, past the sliding doors. The heavy smell of medicinal products all too familiar to him. Down the aisles of drugs and first aid supplies, he comes across several bottles of heat suppressors and contraceptives. Finally, he reaches the condoms, a wide variety of all shapes and sizes to accommodate any male of any species lines the wall. But without any foresight as to which ones to get, and time running out, he grabs a handful of each, practically filling the cart as the other customers look on in disbelief. With everything in order, he makes his way to the check out. As he begins placing the items on the desk, the clerk lady leans over a bit raising an eye.

"Will this be all?" A smile of amusement on her face as she rings up the products. Embarrassment fills his mind at the realization of what is transpiring, causing the poodle to blush furiously, his tail curling between his legs and his head held low to avoid eye contact. With the dirty deed done and his face beet red, he hurries back towards his car. Starting the engine, he continues on his way to the party. "You owe me one, Karen." He grumbles to himself.

Back at the manor, the party has escalated into an all out orgy. The participants have scattered across the party floor, mounting and humping each other as their instincts take over. The potent concoction of aphrodisiacs and musk taint the air, a thick miasma strong enough to turn the most abstinent into a sex craved maniac. With her party ruined and having resided to locking herself in a closet, Karen sits with her back against the door to bar entry, her own willpower beginning to wane. The lower half of her bikini is soaked in her essence, legs shaking as her body threatens to betray her at any moment. "Why is this happening so soon? My cycle wasn't supposed to start in a week from now." The cramping in her lower half telling her she's very fertile. "Ngh, if I go out there, I'll get knocked up for sure... *wuff* Fuck..." Thoughts of hiking her tail for a strong alpha to pump her full of healthy puppies race through her mind. She shakes her head to perish the thought.

"N-no, I'm not ready yet... I-I gotta wait for Darius... oh, please hurry..." Tracing a paw down her tummy, she reaches under her bikini bottom, brushing a digit over her puffy labia. The sensation causing her back to arch. She lets out a stifled moan as she begins tracing her swollen mound, spreading her folds every now and again. Copious amounts of femcum leak from her depths, her breathing beginning to strain. Prodding a bit with one finger, she tests the waters by motioning towards her clitoral hood, lifting it a bit to rub and press at her love button. Taking a second digit she begins circling around the nub, causing her to jerk her head up. Needing more, she presses her palm down to massage her folds. Bucking her hips to her handiwork, she inserts two fingers and spreads herself, reaching deep into her tunnel to sate her fire. She bites her lip as she inserts a third.

"Aaahn-mmmnn fffuck! Hah, yes! Yes! Oh gods!" Jilling faster, her paw moving like lightning, getting her closer to release. She hits her G-spot causing her to stiffen and shake as her orgasm hits.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck! *WUFF!* Aaah- hah- ngh-!" Her body twists and turns, legs out stretched and toes curling as she convulses and spasms. Her moaning cutting off at high pitches, her bikini bottoms are drenched in girlcum, leaking down her inner thighs to soak into the carpet bellow. She removes her fingers, a thin viscous fluid clinging to her index and middle finger.

"*Wuff* Hah..." ...

"Is someone in there?" A gruff voice coming from outside.

"Eep! G-go away! I'm off limits!" She barks.

"Karen?! It's Axle!" Her ears pop up in relief. "What are you doing in the closet? You ok?"

"I-I um... I was hiding from the males. It's not safe for me out there, I'm in heat!"

"You too huh? Ok, so... I got bad news and good news."

"Wha- bad?! What's worse than this?!"

"I uh... I can't get the gate to open, somethings wrong with the security monitor. I think it's busted or somethin'."

Her heart sinks at his words, fear starting to creep up on her. Her ears fold back. "...And the good news?"

"The good news is, I texted Dave and he says he'll be right over to fix the thing. In the meantime, I'm gonna try an' detain the aggressive ones."

She rests her head on her knees in defeat. "...Okay..."

He pats the door as if trying to comfort her before departing.

Making his way around the corner to the manor, Darius parks near the entrance as he reaches the gate. A rusty looking truck has pulled up near the entrance as well, an otter can be seen on the ground with a tool box beside him. He's busy working on the bolting of the gate, his head turns to the sound of Darius pulling up the driveway. Darius steps out of his car, the otter waves to him. "Hey there! You here for the party too?"

Darius waves back out of courtesy. "No, I was called for an emergency. They said there's someone who went into heat? I'm to deliver suppressants and contraceptives."

"Huh? Didn't hear anything like that. Just got a call for this busted gate is all, should 'ave 'er open in a jiffy." He's on his knees working a large monkey wrench on a couple of bolts, his rudder butt swaying to and fro drawing Darius's gaze to his derriere. The slightly baggy beige jumpsuit manages to be tight in all the right places showing off the otters obvious masculinity.

Darius just mutters a simple "...Uh huh..." still enthralled by that juicy booty.

With a clink and the sound of a bolt popping off the hinges, the left gate props open and swings back granting access to the manors grounds. "There we go!" The otter gets to his feet dusting the dirt off his pant legs, he motions towards Darius with an out stretched arm, a toothy grin on his face. "Anyway, name's Dave." Darius reaches out and shakes his webbed paw, a blush forming on his cheeks, his tail starting to wag.

(Shit, he's cute...) "Darius. You get these kind of calls often?"

"Heh, nah. Just cars 'n' stuff. Damn manor's fallin' apart... Oh hey, lemme give you my card man, I fix mostly anything. If somethin' needs fixin', jus' gimme a call dude! See ya 'round Darius, I'll be here to make sure nothin' else breaks down." He hands him a small calling card with a wrench on it, the lettering is in bold yellow that says, "You break it, I fix it!" the opposite side has a number to call with some extra info below. "I also do plumbing." He says this with a wink.

(You could do my plumbing...) "Heh heh, yeah thanks. I'll definitely keep you in mind."

Dave adjusts his cap before picking up his tool box and heads to his truck. Darius sneaks a few glances at his behind before getting back in his car and drives up to the manor to park with the other guests vehicles. Upon making his way to the entrance, the sound of loud music can be heard through the doors. He knocks first, then rings the doorbell. With no answer, he opens the doors. He is greeted with the strongest scent of male musk, pungent and heavy, accompanied by the sounds of moaning coming from the foyer. On his left, a female lioness can be seen crawling on all fours towards him. Her bra hangs low showing off her hefty goods, tail hiked up high flicking back and forth as she homes in on her prey. She licks her lips. "*sniff sniff* YOU! You smell... nice... *purrr*" Her hips swaying as she inches ever closer.

Darius starts to back up in defense, his tail hanging between his legs in fear and confusion "U-um... Hi?"

Her face is inches away from his crotch. "*purrr* What do we have here?" She readies herself shaking her butt and pounces on Darius, knocking him to the ground, he lands with a thud. "H-heeey-ack! Hey, get off of me!"

She claws at his pants, fiddling with the zipper. "Mreow! I can't take it anymore! I'm losing my mind!" She pins him to the ground, her paws rummage through his trousers grasping his sheath. His eyes go wide and he shifts a bit under her.

"YIP! H-hey, woah! W-what are you doing down there?!"

"*Rawr!* Why aren't you hard?!" Through frustration and desperation, she starts trying to jerk him off and massages his balls.

"Gah ha ha, hannngh ah ha ha ha h-hey, hey! Wait stooo-ahngh ha he he he. Aaaah ha ha s-stop it! H-hey! S-stop that, it tickles!"

Ignoring his pleas and laughter, she gets low and starts lapping at his tip. Her raspy tongue snakes down into his sheath, swirling around the tip.

"Hey quit it alre-oooh... hey, sto-ah!" That does the trick. She engulfs his emerging erection, her lips sealed around his sheath. She starts purring around his cock, still swirling her tongue around him.

"H-holy shit!" He grits his teeth and clenches his fists, struggling to get out from under her vice like grip "Gyuh, ah e-easy! Not so h-haaard ahh!"

"*purrr* Mmmf *slk* Mmmf *slk* Mmmf" Her head bobs up and down his girthy spire in a steady rhythm leaving a trail of saliva every time she rises.

"Hah, oooh-kaaay, hah ah ngh oh, oh shit, s-slow down will ya? Nngh oh fuck, g-gonna-! Nnghaaah, aaah! Nghya ha! Oooh oh, hah fuckin' hell..." His hips start jerking, pumping her throat with his doggy jizz. She drinks all he has to offer, not letting a single drop go to waste.

"*purrr* Mmmf *glk* *glk* *glk* *purrr* *pop* hah *huff* Mmmm, you even taste good too." She licks her lips, savoring his taste. "Thanks for the meal, but kitty still wants her milk, Mreow!" She slides herself downwards, positioning herself over his snausage. Darius, still recovering, notices the change in weight distribution pinning his body. He looks quizzically up at her face then down to their hips. "Oh... OH! WAIT, WHAT?! NO! Ew, no! Aaaah get off! What the fuck?!" She starts grinding her pussy up his now rapidly shrinking bone.

"Huh... Hey, hey! What gives?! W-why are you shrinking?! N-no, you have to fuck me! Aaaah, get hard, get hard! No no no no, please, I beg you! Nnnya ha, fuck me damn it!" Tears start forming in her eyes, she's rocking back and forth across his now fully sheathed groin.

"Gah, hey get off!" He manages to get his paws free. He's trying to push her off his lap.

"Nooo, why are you soft?!" She remains steadfast, keeping him pinned under her, still grinding her hips absentmindedly.

"Somebody fuckin' help me!" As if on queue, two orange arms grab onto the lioness, lifting her off of him. "NYAAA! Nooo, I need sex! Lemme gooo!"

A gruff looking figure is standing behind her, the first words out of his mouth puts a smile on Darius's face "Okay Miss Audrey, come on now. Hup!" He lifts the randy lioness into the air and over his shoulder, where she begins kicking her legs frantically before settling down. "Sorry 'bout that, place has gone to shit. You look reasonably sane... wait a sec, Darius?"

"Axle? Ha ha, holy shit, am I glad to see you!" He gets to his feet, his pants falling to the floor. "Oh, uh... heheh, Yeah... "

The two make their way towards the back of the manor, catching up on the events that have transpired. Darius reaches into his coat to pull out a small bottle, pops a few pills and administers the heat suppressants to the Lioness. "There, it'll take a couple minutes for the effects to kick in." He hands a few bottles of suppressants to Axle. "Here, can you give these to the other guests? Give the females two, and the males one." Axle stows the pills in his pocket.

"Hey Axle?"

"What's up?"

"Where's Karen?"

"Oh? Uh, she locked herself in the downstairs closet. Poor girl's in heat."

"What? How long?"

"Dunno, last I spoke to her was an hour ago."

"I'll meet up with you later, I need to make sure she's alright."

"Yeah sure, just be careful."

With that, Darius heads in Karen's direction down the hall. The lioness starts squirming in irritation. "Nyaaa, will you let me down already?!"

"Huh? Yeah, you gonna behave yourself?" He takes her off his shoulder and sets her down beside him, she sticks her tongue out at him before heading into the pool area. Axle follows after.

Heading down the hall, Darius notices the closet door is wide open. Worried about her well being, he rushes over to what is now an empty closet. The only occupant being a lone blue bikini bottom, they're damp and he can smell exactly who they belonged to. "Eugh, really Karen?" He begrudgingly picks them up and stuffs it in his coat. "I'm not chasing your naked ass around this place." He reluctantly starts going down the corridor, checking behind every door and calls out her name. A scream can be heard coming further down, his ears stand up on alert. He takes a right at the bend that leads him past some double doors leading into the main dining hall, the entrance to the kitchen on his left. Stepping into the kitchen, he can hear the sounds of panting and moaning. What he sees is Karen standing behind the counter stuffing her cunt with a whole cucumber. She's stiff as a board standing on the tips of her paws. "Hnnng! aaah... *wuff* yeah..." Her back is turned, unaware of Darius's presence, that is, till he speaks. "Um..." She immediately goes rigid with fear as her ears go up. Like lightning, she turns around, removing the cucumber from betwixt her thighs and throws it past his head, causing him to duck in surprise. "Gah! H-hey! Damn it Karen, what the hell?!"

"She clambers up the counter before realizing who she almost beaned, tears forming in her eyes. "...D-darius?"

"The fuck was that for?!" He yaps at her in an outburst of frustration.

"DARIUS!" She leaps off the counter and bum-rushes him, nearly knocking him off balance, hugging him close to her, tail wagging excitedly. Stunned by the sudden grapple, it takes a moment for his arms to reciprocate in turn. She laps at his face with exuberant affection.

"H-hey! Ack, y-yep, okay, thanks... Karen!" He manages to get her attention.

"S-sorry, I was just so scared, everyone just started stripping and screwing each other and I was getting hot and there was a fight a-and-"

"Okay okay, It's gonna be fine. Axle's got them rounded up in the pool area, you're safe now."

Still holding him close, she starts grinding herself into his lap. "Nnngh, Darius, hah, did you get the medicine? I'm going crazy."

"Yeah, sure did." He reaches into his coat and pulls out the bottle, dumping two pills into her paw. "Here."

She pops them in her mouth. "Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou, you're a life saver!"

"Oh, and uh, you might want to put these on..." He reaches into his coat to pull out her blue bikini bottoms and hands them to her.

"Oh! Hehehe yeah... thanks..." A blush forming on her cheeks, she turns her head to the side in embarrassment.

"Anyways, where's Kai?"

She's busy tying the straps of her bikini bottoms as she answers. "Kai? He had to use the upstairs bathroom when he arrived, he was acting weird, so I checked in on him. Haven't seen or heard him since all this happened."

"Acting weird" huh? Bet he's fucking or getting fucked right now."


"Geez, Karen, you can be really dense sometimes y'know?" He shrugs his shoulders a bit.

"Hey!" She barks at him.

"I should make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Axles in the pool area giving out suppressants, you should meet up with him."

"Sure. You be safe too, okay?" She gives him one last hug before heading through the dining hall back towards the foyer.

He follows behind her before making a detour towards the entryway. "I should probably grab some contraceptives, it IS Kaizer I'm dealing with here... Ugh, this is gonna be messy..." He heads out the entrance into the brisk night air, the moons are out in full tonight. He heads towards his car and reaches into his pockets to find his keys. *BREEP* *BREEP* The car unlocks, he pops the boot open and starts pocketing contraceptives and grabs a handful of condoms. Before he locks his car, he hears someone pull up beside him. It's Dave's truck, the mechanic pops his noggin out to greet him. "Hey... Darius right?"

Darius turns around to see Dave step out of his truck, his trusty toolbox in hand. "Pleasant night out, aint it?" He's chewing bubble gum.

"Hi Dave."

"...Just a "Hi"? Everythin' alright man?"

"Sorry, it's just been one crazy night."

"Damn, how's the party?"

"Party's been officially cancelled, the place is a mad house."

"No shit, you talk with Karen?

"Yeah, she's in heat right now. Gave her... something to... to cool her... off."

"...You doin' okay there? Hey."

"Huh? Y-yeah, just... my head feels... heavy..."

"... Uh... Yep, that explains everything."

"W-what? What are you... *huff* talking about?"

"You said Karen's in heat?"


"How long were you in there?"

Darius's body is on fire, his head tilts up at the moons.

"An hour?... Two? Can't... think."

"Ha ha ha! Holy shit, you're in rutt!"

Darius's pupils dilate, his heart rate skyrocketing. It's true, his groin aches with need, a need for release. "yeah... that's a problem..." He reaches into his coat to grab a small bottle of the suppressants and pops one down. "Hah, need to sit down for a bit..." He sits in the back seat of his car.

Dave takes his cap off and sits next to him, he scooches over, lifts his floppy ear and whispers. "Y'know... I can uh, help you with that, if ya want."

Darius turns his head to face Dave. "You-mmmf!" His eyes go wide in shock as Dave kisses him, exploring his mouth. Darius's mind races trying to comprehend exactly what's happening, deciding not to fight it, he returns the gesture. The kiss is short but passionate, Dave pulls away to speak.

"Mmm~hah, awesome..." His face is hot with desire, he reaches down to grope Darius's groin through his pants, attempting to unzip them. "Don't think I didn't notice you checkin' out my ass, ya find somethin' ya like?" Darius blushes in embarrassment, he was caught red handed and now he's paying the price. "Let's see what I'm working with..." Darius shifts a bit as the cool night air caresses his seven inches. Dave whistles upon seeing his girthy tool. "Daaayum! You are thick! How'd'ya hide this thing?"

Darius tries to look away as he gives a slight chuckle in amusement. Dave hugs him close as he begins stroking up and down his length with a webbed paw, up and down sliding over his glans on each upstroke then back down to squeeze on his base. Dave can feel the pulse of his heartbeat getting faster and decides to pick up the pace. Darius's breathing picks up, feeling himself getting closer, he tries warning the devious otter. "Hah, hah, ngh ah... w-wait... hah h-hang on, n-not in the car..." Dave slows down a bit and looks up, a sly grin on his face.

"Hehehe, don't wanna ruin the interior eh? No prob, I gotta better idea anyway." Dave stands up as much as he can inside the small vehicle and begins to unzip his jumpsuit. He's got a swimmers body, skinny and athletic. His fur's a caramel brown, while his belly up to his neck is a toffee cream, his junk is nestled in a cute fuzzy sack. His hips are shapely, giving him a slightly feminine charm. Darius just gawks at him, his lips trying to form words.

"Not what you expected, eh?" Dave gives him a wink before straddling his lap, placing his paws on his shoulders for balance. Darius reflexively places his own paws on that juicy booty, giving it an occasional squeeze every now and then. "Somebody's eager, okay gimme a sec." He reaches down to pull out a small packet of lube from one of his jumpsuit's multitude of pockets, tears it open and starts applying it under his tail, fingering himself in the process. Feeling well prepared, he positions Darius to his entrance and slowly descends, finally resting balls deep in Darius's lap. "Wow, damn that's snug. *huff* okay, you ready for this?" Darius just nods his head. Dave starts to raise himself before descending back down, his butt giving off a slight jiggle as he moves. "Hah, oooh yeah, right there."

Darius's knot starts to inflate, beating against Dave's back door for entrance. Dave's own dick rubs between them every time his ass rises and falls, smearing his pre into their fur. Up and down, over and over, the car starts to rock from their debaucherous actions.

Dave's abdominal muscles start to tense from the abuse his prostate is taking. "Hah ahn, mmmnnn, yeah, almost... nnngh." Gritting his teeth as he holds Darius close, his dick still sliding between them. Darius is close, he can feel it, his hips start to buck upwards in time with each descent.

"D-dave, hah nnngh hah, I-I'm close!"

"Nnngh, you can cum inside, *huff* j-just don't knot me, 'kay?"

"Nnngh oh gods, hah nnngah! S-s-S-shiit! *ARF!*" He grabs Dave and holds him tight, he pulls out slightly to allow his knot to fully form outside. Cum rushes up his urethra to blast Dave's ass full of thick spunk, some manages to leak and spill out. Darius jerks his hips up and down rubbing against Dave's prostate, the sudden surge of hot jizz rushing up his bowels and his prostate getting abused causes the otter's back to arch. He reaches his own climax, his dick throbs, spurting out a steady stream of his own cum between them, painting Darius's chest in a sticky mess. "Hah... ahn... hah, hooo doggy, hahaha heheh aaah... Feelin' better dude?"

Darius lays his head back to catch his breath. "Hah, *huff* ...holy shit..."

Dave slowly slides up off his cock, cum starting to drip down his thighs. "Damn dude, you really filled me, haha!"

Darius just lays there still recovering from the aftershock. "...Uh huh..."

Dave wipes the cum off his thighs and starts zipping his jumpsuit back up before leaning down to clean Darius's dick with his mouth, popping off then licking up his chest to clean the rest off. "That card I gave you also doubles as my number, we should do this again sometime." With that, Dave grabs his hat, hops back in his truck, and drives away. Darius flips the card over in his paws, a giant goofy grin on his face. "...Maybe tonight's not so bad..."

Meanwhile, back in the manor's pool area, Karen and Axle arrive to the scene of several party goers fucking each other around and in the pool. Karen gasps in shock upon witnessing the lascivious activities that are happening before her eyes. A large pitch black wolf stands out among the crowd, he's busy vigorously humping one of the two slender cat sisters in the waist high water of the pool. One of the sisters, a cream coloured tabby cat notices Karen enter the pool area and yells over to her.

"THERE YOU ARE, KAREN! Where've you been girl?!"

Karen jumps a bit. "T-trisha?!"

The orange tabby sister getting plowed, speaks up with her sister.

"Haaah anh, h-h-hiii K-karen! Ahn! Hah!"

"S-sasha?! What? What are you doing?!"

"Nnnghah ahn, wha-what's it look ah! like?"

The large black wolf joins in on the conversation, still thrusting hard and deep.

"Hah, *huff* oh, hi Karen. Hnnn, ah. Great *huff* party!"

Karen tilts her head to the side, watching the three go at it.

"You mean, you girls aren't in heat?"

The cream tabby speaks up first, desire in her eyes as she watches her sister get pounded. "Oh yeah, I'm definitely in heat." Her sister answers as well, trying to keep her balance as the wolf steadily drives into her.

"Hah ah! N-not meee-eee-aah!" She screams as her orgasm hits. "Hah! Ah fuck! M-mine doesn't c-cuuum! Until n-next week! Aaah!"

Karen now frustrated, barks at the orange tabby. "What?! Then why are you fucking Dante?!" She stomps her foot, her fists bunched up.

The three of them stop to look at her in confusion. Sasha's the first to answer.

"...Because he's hot?"

Dante, the wolf, looks down at Sasha, his ears perking up as his tail begins to wag.

"Y-you... you think I'm hot?" A blush forming on his face.

Trisha nudges her sisters shoulder. "Aaawe, does big sis have a crush on mister wolfy?"

Sasha pushes her sister away in embarrassment. "S-sooo? What if I do?"

Trisha play punches her sister in the arm. "Aaah, you bitch! Hahaha!" She starts giggling. Dante holds her tight in a hug. "I think you're hot too."

Sasha reaches up to scratch him behind the ears as he licks the top of her head, his tail splashing in the pool.

"Hahaha, ok ok, geez... *purrr* Now keep fucking me, you beast."

Dante lifts her up out of the pool, holding her in his grip as he begins thrusting upwards into her, causing her legs to kick up water, splashing her sister.

"W-whaaa- ahhn! hah! w-woah, e-easy hah, oh, oh f-fuck! H-holy fuck!"

Karen huffs in frustration, she turns on her heel in disgust before leaving to yap at the rest of the party goers. Dante pounds away at Sasha, his balls slapping her mound on each upstroke. Trisha slides between them and the pool's edge, to get a better view of the action. She reaches a paw to play with one of her own breasts and slides a paw down to start playing with herself. Sasha looks down at her sister. "Hah ah mmmn, *huff* e-enjoying the v-view sis?" Dante picks up the pace, feeling himself getting close he leans his head down to bite her shoulder in dominance. Sasha lifts her head in ecstasy as he furiously pounds her, his knot starting to form. Trisha watches intently as that bulb gets thicker, beating her sisters pussy to a pulp.

"Holy shit this is hot, you gonna cum in my big sister, mister wolf?" A wicked smile on her face. Sasha just moans in ecstasy.

"Hah, hah, I-i'm getting close. *grunt* Hah." Dante pushes all the way in to her with a pop, locking the two in place, causing him to growl in pleasure as he's now balls deep. Sasha's eyes roll into the back of her head mewling in euphoria as her third orgasm racks her body. Her pelvic muscles start spasming as a gush of fluid squirts out of her, splashing the pool water below. "Hah, oooh t-too tight!" Dante gives one final grunt as he nuts deep inside her, filling her womb to the brim. "Yeah, fill'er up mister wolf! Knock my sis full of puppies!" He nuts again, overflowing her already swollen womb. With no more room left to fill, his jizz pushes out around his knot.

"Hnnng! ah sh-shit h-hang on, this... this might hurt..." He raises her a bit and starts tugging backwards to free his knot. He slowly pulls back, inch after agonizing inch slips slowly from her abused lips, spreading obscenely around his mighty knot. With a wet pop, he frees himself from her depths. "Nnnyaaaaaa-ah, h-holy fuck!" cum gushes out of her. Trisha leans in to lap up his escaping load, licking around in her sisters gaping cunt, occasionally chewing on her clit. She stands up to come face to face with her sister before closing in to kiss her on the lips. She invades her sisters mouth to swap a mouth full of his excess seed into her mouth then moves away licking her lips. Sasha swallows the salty snack, purring in affection. Trisha leans against the pools edge, a look of need on her face as she reaches down to spread herself.

"You're such a slut Trish." Sasha turns around to kiss Dante on the cheek, before whispering something in his ear. Dante's face lights up in a deep blush, whatever she said has made him fully errect and ready to go again. "Now then, how 'bout you show my sister a good time?" With that, Dante gets between Trisha's legs and aims himself at her opening. With a quick jerk of his hips, he thrusts deep inside her in a single stroke, hilting her fully.

"Guhaaah! Ah s-shit!" Her legs wrap around his waist to keep him close. "Nyaaa! So f-full! Hah, hehe, ah I can feel you kissing my cervix!" He leans in to her chest and breathes in her scent. "Hah, you smell delicious..." The smell of her heat courses through his system. He gradually pulls out before slamming back in. She wraps her arms around his neck, bracing herself for his savage thrusting. The rapid thrusting picks up force, making waves in the pool. He slams home, stuffing her pussy with his massive knot, forcing her wide open. With a final pop, he lodges his thick knot into her depths. Sasha watches her sister intently as she plays with herself, still leaking his essence.

"Nyaaa! Yesss! Cum inside meee! Haaah aaah!"

"Mmmm. Yeah, fill her up, stud! Make my little sis pregnant."

He chomps down on her neck as he feels his balls empty their payload deep into her uterus. "Grrrrrraaah! Awwwooooooooo!"

Her claws rake down his back drawing blood as he pumps her full of his hot virile wolf spunk, claiming her as his mate. Thick rope after rope jets out into her womb, seeking out to fertilize her eggs. She wraps her legs around him in a vice grip, her toes curling as her orgasm wracks her body. "Uuungh yesss, give me your pups! Make me a mommy!"

He steadies himself over her, still spurting deep inside her overstuffed passage. "Hah, f-fuck... I can't feel my legs..."

"Damn, Dante, you really filled her." Sasha rubs her sisters stuffed midsection, purring in delight.

The party dies down a bit. Karen settles everyone down, Axle controls the crowd as they come down from their heat and rutt, and Darius supplies the guests with suppressants and contraceptives to those who got a bit too frisky that night. Dante and the sisters are the first to leave the party, both women holding onto his arms on their way out, a completely satisfied look on each of their faces. More guests start to pack up, some issuing apologies for the way they acted, and some lamenting it's end. Karen begrudgingly cleans up what she can of the decorations. Audrey, the lioness, now recovering her composure decides to make up for her actions by helping out with cleaning the place of bodily fluids and the occasional used condom. The rest of the night goes by smoothly, Axle and Darius make sure everyone's safe to go home.

Darius feels like he's forgotten something, then sudden realization hits him like a brick. "SHIT!" Darius thinks out loud before running up the stairs. Karen and Axle look on in confusion before the same thought enters their heads at the same time.

Darius searches room after room upstairs before coming across the guest bed room. Darius opens the door to see Kaizer and Vix laying tied to each other, sound asleep on the guest room floor. "Goddamn it Kai, not again..."