A Little Mouse Told Me...

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#4 of The Mile High Paw Club

Fourth Chapter of the Timmy and Rose Saga of the MHPC. This is the last time we'll see these specific characters but not the setting. after all... the fun never stops at the Mile High Paw Club.

So, back by popular demand is the fourth chapter of The Mile High Paw Club series. While it is the last of the series per se (I mean the last in that we won't see Tim and Rosie in the next one) I plan on using this wonderful setting for many many more stories.

Again, opinion is really appreciated and encouraged. Liked it? Vote and fave! Have something to say about it? Comment! Too shy to comment? Send me a P.M! Wanna talk to me privately? Same as before, send a PM! I pride myself on replying to EVERY SINGLE COMMENT so you're not going to be the exception.

Again, a quick disclaimer since we're back into cub territory: this is a work of fiction, it does not include, condone or encourage human underaged sex. The characters in this fiction are not human and therefore are not bound by the same standards as humans. By reading this you agree that you will not take any legal action against me.

Yadda yadda, I hate doing disclaimers but its a dog eat dog (pun fully intended) world out there. Anyway, with that out of my mind...


"Sure sis?" Timothy asked.

"I said its alright, don't worry about me..." Rose said from the huge bed.

"B-but... We..." Drad tried to speak out. The shy bunny looked at his girlfriend with a known look.

"Oh bunny, I'm so so sorry, I know we had plans for our own private room..." She said shamelessly. As if the others didn't have the same arrangements... "Look, I promise I'll make it up to you the best way I know, Kay?" She said lovingly and frowned slightly as if in pain.

Drad sighed, but smiled. He could only imagine what she would have in store for him later. They had only hooked up the day before, but they already felt quite close and caring. He looked at her as if he was wondering wether or not to ask a question, before a very smart Rose pulled it out of thin air.

"Yes, of course you can run Mia dry... I bet she won't protest" she said with a snicker, seeing just how much she had made the bunny blush. Mia smiled wide, winking at the bed ridden vixen. Nope, she wasn't going to protest at all.

"Are you sure there's nothing we can do for you Rosie? I'd gladly stay and keep you company, but your horny brother would insist to stay too and then... Guess we wouldn't be helping your headache then" Ketzio said with a smile, clinging like the cute little kitten she was at Tim's waist.

"That's alright, I know what you mean... I'd rather just relax for a night, a night without creaking beds and screams..." She said with a laugh, holding her head.

"Well, if you ever need us, you know you can just dial silver lining cinemas from your phone here... Just ask for me when they pick up. They know me well" Mia said, her naked collie figure seductively moving towards a tuckered in Rose and giving her a loving kiss in the forehead, before saying bye and turning towards the door. She saw Drad wrap his arm around her nude waist, waaaaay too low to be innocent, as he asked questions intensely.

"Is it true they have all the movies you can think..." Was all she heard as the door was closed. She let out a sigh, partially from relief as she didn't have to keep her act up anymore, and half of regret. She wanted to go to the movies, a much different experience up there that consisted more of getting private rooms and screening erotic versions of famous movies behind closed, and soundproofed, doors. She didn't like to lie, not to them who were the kindest of furs in the world... But was it so wrong for a girl to want a little privacy?

She threw off the covers and moved her nude, preteen body up to the bathroom. The vixen looked into the mirror and groaned. The last few days had been amazing, but there was something... Something that had been there the first day and that had simply disappeared after that. This last two days had been hectic, basically... With Timmy finding himself a Loli orphan kitten for himself (and the two looked inseparable now) and she had gone out with Mia for some drinks, which resulted in her getting drunk on aphrodisiac and bringing home that cute bunny boy Drad, before fucking his virgin brains out, just as Timmy came in with Ketzio. The thing had developed into sort of an orgy, and they somehow woke up late the next day, bodies covered in drying, sticky substances and big, messy grins on their faces.

The day went off naturally, or as natural as it could ever be inside the massive airship... Mia had given the young ones a class in deep throat about ten-seconds after meeting with a long time equine friend on the promenade... Rosie remembered, oh she remembered nicely how the collie had simply greeted him while already midway through her dragging the group to a voyeur area... The way she had made him cum right there on the enclosed alley, with everyone watching... The mental image of that massive equine cock going all the way into Mia's throat to spray its cum gave her a familiar itch, and she idly began to rub herself, mostly to take the edge off it. Night had come, and with it the movies... But she had pretended to have a headache, she had been working over a big, big dilemma over the day, and their trip to the movies had been the perfect opportunity... You see, Drad wasn't the only fur interested in Rose that night at the moonlit bar.

*Knock Knock*

Her head turned quickly to the door and she rapidly moved there. Her twelve year old body showing off in the dim lights of their initiation room. They wouldn't stay there the next time they came up to the club, they would find a different place since this one was reserved for first time customers. The blue furred girl took a deep breath before opening the door. Standing on the doorway, she was met with the frame of a fifteen year old mouse girl, her cream colored fur almost sparkled in the hallway lights, as her thin tail swished around. She had a questioning look on her face, especially since Rosie had simply been staring at her for about ten-seconds before speaking.

"Ah, H-hi! Come in...?" She said and let her inside, closing the door.

"Thanks Rose..." The mouse girl said with a smile as she came inside. She had a tiny handbag on her, and besides the bracelet that held her key card secure she wore nothing else. As she walked towards the bed, the young vixen noticed that unlike herself, the other girl's bare tail did nothing to hide her privacy. She walked behind her, not saying a word and trying to keep her glances hidden... But she could swear she had hiked her tail up since she began looking.

"Oh, I love initiation beds... They're the nicest of the whole ship..." The mouse said, throwing herself into the bed without a word. She rubbed her cheek on the fresh linen and giggled. "I wonder how many cubs have lost their innocence in this bed... Just like you... And me..." She said softly, as if remembering happy days long gone.

"I err... Uh yeah, I guess a lot..." Rose said. She sat down on the bed and looked at her guest for a moment. She had mid sized, not too special breasts... She was thin, but not downright anorexic. Yet her slender figure contrasted with her own vixen form, which sill retained most of the puppy fat...

"Yeah... So, I was wondering as I came down here... Would you really like to have some fun? Or was it only the aphrodisiac talking...?" She asked. Something in her big, hazel eyes told Rose that that had happened before to the girl.

"I... I don't know, I guess I didn't really expect you to come here..." She began, blushing as the memories filled her mind.

"And yet you stayed while the rest of your group went out..." The other girl remarked. As Rosie looked at her shocked and confused as to how she could know that, she giggled. "I passed them on my way here. Recognized the collie guide and the green bunny you picked up... I didn't really know the other two" she said.

"That would be Timmy, my brother... And his new girlfriend, Ketzio. He met her yesterday" she said softly.

"Oh... I see now. You didn't answer my question though... If you didn't think I'd come, then why stay behind?" The mouse girl asked, grabbing Rose's shoulders gently and massaging them softly. Rose tensed but then relaxed under his touch, she had been under a lot of stress recently... Stress that no twelve year old should be going through.

"I guess I... I didn't think you'd come but... I hoped you would" Rose said.

"Ah, I see... Well, in that case, I guess you're a bit happy that I did show up?" She said with a smile as he turned Rosie's head to look at her in the eyes.

"I am... I think" Rose said, before unconsciously leaning in to kiss that girl, that random stranger from the bar that hadn't even shared her name... But that for some reason she... Felt like she could trust. They kissed softly, simply pressing their lips together for a minute. After they split up they simply looked into each other's eyes. Then, the stranger chuckled.

"Thanks, now it's time to begin..." She said before grabbing her purse. From it she pulled a bottle of clear liquid, and Rosie recognized it instantly.

"Is that...?" She asked.

"Yup! Pure, straight up undiluted aphrodisiac... I get it from one of the bartenders, in exchange for... Some favors that his boyfriend can't do" she hinted and snickered as she opened the bottle.

"Whoa, it's so strong..." Rose said as she felt the trembling of her body as soon as the smell hit her.

"Yeah, so don't go and drink it all... I made that mistake once, and it was my worst nightmare..." She said. Rosie looked curiously. "Imagine having an itch, so strong and powerful you simply know you NEED to scratch it... Now imagine that not even ten horny boys can scratch it" she explained. Rosie nodded. Naturally, that excess of aphrodisiac must have made her so needy not even lots of sex could sate her...

"So, should we take a sip?" Rosie asked.

"Of course! Even more than a sip if you're up to it... I didn't want to give it to you before we got started, I didn't want it to be the defining... Like the reason you... And the..." She stuttered slightly.

"You wanted to make sure I was doing it because I wanted you and not because the aphrodisiac made me need you?" Rose said, the young little girl showing again that she was smarter than apparent.

"Exactly" the other girl said with a smile, handing her the bottle after taking a short nice sip. "Cheers" she told the vixen as she saw Rose lift the bottle up to her lips. She then began to drink... A gulp... Two gulps...

"Ehm, Rose? T-that's about eno-..." The mouse girl said, but the vixen kept drinking. She was smart, but also a kid. A kid that, just like others her age, saw in her warning a challenge. The mouse girl knew that things would go sour if she had the whole bottle, so she simply stopped her herself. She took the bottle away as Rose pouted for a second, and then began to pant. Her cheeks, once white and childish, achieved a nice pinkish blush, and her pupils dilated. Her nipples poked out of her fur, erect and almost painful to touch within less than a minute, but the most noticeable change happened on her sex. Once childish and slim, her outer lips began to grow puffy. Her inner lips, which had been perfectly covered by her slim outer folds that gave her a true little Loli look, now peeked between them. The other girl's leg, which was about ten inches away, felt the change in temperature as her cunny began to burn up.

"Oh my... R-Rosie, w-when did you have your first heat?" The stranger asked.

"I-I haven't..." She replied in a soft, shaky whimper.

"Well, you have now... You drank too much... Luckily I stopped you, who knows what would've happened..." The girl said. Rosie looked down, ashamed of herself for being so immature.

"Lucky for you it's only a pseudo-heat... If it were the real thing, the only way it would go down would be with... Semen" the mouse said. The mere word sent shivers down the vixen's spine, her twelve year old body frantically trying to keep up with what those potent aphrodisiac pheromones were doing.

"I-it... I need... Help..." Rose said in whimpers.

"I've got you girl, lie down..." The mouse girl said, pushing her down into the bed firmly, which for some reason turned the vixen on a lot. "Luckily you didn't take as much as I did, so the basic rule still applies... You cum hard enough, the effect wears off. Shall we get on with it?" The mouse asked.

"I-I... I don't even know your name..." Rose said, already spreading her legs for her. By now she was also producing massive amounts of lubricant juices, her cunny literally dripping fluids into the bed.

"Would it change anything?" The mouse girl said.

"N-no..." Rose whispered. She didn't care for the stranger's name, not right now at least... She only needed to be sexually sated.

"Thought so..." The mouse girl said. Her hand was now trailing up the other girl's thigh, heading straight for her pussy. Rose saw her face real close and kissed her out of pure lust, almost drawing blood as she bit the mouse girl's lower lip in desire. The mouse girl touched her sex and gasped as she felt the heat coming from it, like an industrial oven hot enough to melt metal. Her gasp, however, was completely drowned by the moan that came from the preteen's lips. The mouse girl smiled, at least she was sensitive... This wouldn't take long.

"Okay rose, I'm going to get you a nice big orgasm, alrighty? That should flush the aphrodisiac out of your system and let us have some relaxed fun" She said. Rose just groaned impatiently. Not able to suppress a giggle, the girl began to rub the outside of the girl's now plump and slightly swollen cunny, pulling all sorts of sounds from the vixen as if she was a broken toy. Once the vixen was panting and moaning consistently, the girl inserted a couple fingers into her companion's sex. Rose yelped in utter bliss as her body finally felt fucked, and the mouse gasped at the sheer warmth and moisture of Rosie's snatch. The vixen sent one of her own hands down to make sure the mouse fucked her nice and deep, grabbing the older girl's wrist and trying to force her deeper in. The girl resisted, she could already feel her cervix on her fingertips. She wasn't going for the "harder is better" approach, she had better ideas. One strong hand grabbed Rose's intruding paw and forcefully set her aside, asserting her dominance over that hormone crazy girl. It worked, and in her primal mindset rose simply stayed still and let her 'dominant male' take care.

"There. You stay still, I said I'd take care of it" she said strongly. She was definitely no stranger to girls on heat or excessive pheromones... Rose whimpered and did just that, holding her movements. The only bits that couldn't stop moving were her hips, grinding lewdly against the mouse's fingers, and her inner walls which clamped down rhythmically as she tried to make that intruding thing spurt sperm.

"Deep breaths now..." The mouse girl said. She began to tease her inner walls, her fingers dragging all over the inside of her sex. It was way too gentle for the girl who craved a brutal sexual assault, but for some reason it felt even better... Rose whined and began to pant, vixen tongue lolling out of her mouth. The other girl smiled and then went to her ear, where she began to whisper in a very sultry tone.

"Like that honey? Those fingers touching you in places no cock would ever be able to?" She began. Her fingers were doing something inside her, a weird movement the vixen couldn't quite understand, but it was feeling better than anything. Her sex, dripping in hot natural lube, made wet lewd sounds with every flex of the slender mouse's digits.

"Oh I bet they do... I can feel just how wet and hot you are down there... I bet right now you want to be bred, right? Get a hot load of a male's cum up your cunny?" She added. Her fingers were now deeper, massaging her cervix in a way Rose hadn't even thought possible. She was by now shivering like an epileptic and making those cute little yips of pleasure.

"Oh, I wish I could do that, but I've got something better for you... You see..." The stranger whispered and then did something, Rosie couldn't tell what but she tensed like a stick. "I know why you hoped I would come... I know why you didn't shoot me down at the bar... You crave a woman's touch because, well..." She said, before her fingers again pressed on something weird inside her, and she felt her clit rubbed as well by her palm. "We know just what we like" she finished. The last thing Rose remembered was the moisture, so much...

Then it all went black.

"R-rose? Wake up..." The stranger said. The young vixen opened her eyes to see a slightly concerned but smiling mouse girl.

"Wha...?" She said. She felt a bit lightheaded and quite relaxed, and very... Wet?

"Just relax, you just gave me the best praise there is... I apparently gave you more pleasure than your body could handle and you shut down for a sec... Right after that" she said, pointing at a huge puddle in the bed.

"D-did I pee myself?" She asked embarrassed, blushing a lot.

"That's what I thought at first, but I checked..." She said, scooping a bit of the clear fluid, thick on her fingers as she licked them clean. "One hundred percent Rosie-cum. Good batch" she said with a giggle.

"Oh... I... Came all that?" She asked.

"Yup... It's too bad you were asleep during your orgasm, it would've been mind blowing... But a naughty girl decided to have too much aphrodisiac" she said. Rosie whimpered and lowered her ears in apology.

"I remember... But why am I not... You know, in heat?" She asked. A paw exploring her folds found them just like always, tiny and taut, cute and childish instead of the swollen, womanly thing she had before.

"You flushed it out... In that puddle I guess. Normally it would've taken a couple more orgasms but this one took it all." The mouse girl said, obviously feeling quite proud of herself.

"Muh... It must've been massive" she said, blushing.

"I know, I know... Again, it's too bad you weren't awake to feel it." The mouse girl said. Thinking that the fun was over she looked for the bottle to store it away and leave, but it was nowhere to be found.

"But we can repeat it..." A voice said from behind. With a shiver the mouse turned around, and she saw the young girl drinking from the bottle. This time she only took a decent sip, and closed it before handing it to her.

"Oh gosh, you are insatiable" The mouse giggled as she too took a drink.

"Heh, come on. I wanna see exactly what you did with your fingers" she said in a fuzzy seductive tone as she crawled to the other girl and pounced her.

"Ah ah ah, trade secret" she said with a mean grin. "I do have something else however..." She said, fishing into the small bag she had. From there she pulled a double dildo, a bit large but nothing too bizarre. "Say hello to my little friend" she said with a giggle.

"Mine!" Rose said and snatched it out of the girl's paws. She looked at it as if it was a golden idol pulled from an ancient temple. It was shaped in the form of a regular phallus, no barbs or knot or median ring or any other oddities. It did have a weave-like pattern to it, obviously designed not after a real anatomically correct cock but as a pleasure enhancer... And with the aphrodisiac running through her veins Rose only wanted to stuff that thing deep up her love tunnel.

"Whoa, hey, calm down... Lets get you nice and wet first" The mouse girl said, completely happy to get another shot at sex with the cute little vixen. "Rump that way girl" she said and quickly and expertly got the two horny bodies into a 69 before beginning to lick at her sex with her petite and smooth rodent tongue. Rose squirmed and writhed in utter delight, before taking a good long look at her new pleasure friend's cunny. It was different, her sex didn't span as long as hers, and it was much more concentrated... All in all, the terms she would use to describe it would be tidy, completely Loli-like and very very tasty. She felt the licks on her own vixen cunt stop for a second.

"Enjoying yourself back there?" Rose asked with a mean giggle. She got the response in the form of a nibble on her mons, completely unexpected and quite good. This girl had some weird ideas, but damn did she know just how to go perfectly at what she wanted. Rosie's mind wandered... In her pleased delight she remembered Timmy and Drad, her two boys... She hadn't told them about her expected visitor... But not because she wanted to be unfaithful to them, she could very well assume they wouldn't mind... But... Somehow she felt like she owed them something...

"Well, guess you're as ready as you'll ever be" The rodent said, leaving their sexual arrangement. She had probably noticed just how distraught Rose was and probably wanted to do something different to get her mind back in there. It worked, and Rose's thoughts vanished from her mind at once. The aphrodisiac took control once more, and she let out a lusty growl with her eyes half closed as the mouse used the vixen's own dripping sex to coat the two headed dildo in lubricant. She inserted the plastic boyfriend in Rosie's sex first, amazed at the lack of resistance. This girl was a sex monster, her cunny literally pulling on the thing.

"Sheesh, you really need this, huh?" The girl asked.

"Y-yeah" was her reply, a shagged moan.

"Lets get on with it then!" The girl said and Rose felt a series of deep thrusts in her cunny as the mouse impaled herself on that cock. She was apparently used to big things up her womanhood and took all of the remainder of the toy, until their cunnies were rubbing against each-other. "Oh my..." Rose said at the strength of the feeling.

"I know, right? Oh fuck the world needs more lesbianism..." The mouse girl said in apparent trance. They then looked at each-other and laughed. That was actually the reason why she had said that, sex between girls had this... Odd playfulness. There was no boy trying to prove his dominance, no girl trying to fake her submissiveness... Two equals simply sharing their pleasure.

"Okay, so the trick for this is to-Gyup!" The stranger girl went as she felt the plastic cock driven up her cunny. This girl had grasped the concept in seconds... This damned club was turning everyone into nymphomaniacs.

"Squeeze yours while pushing up? Oh gee, thanks!" Rose teased. "I bet you I-eep!!!" She went as she herself was fucked back, the part of the cock that was previously up the stranger's cunt now up the vixen's own vaginal canal. They stopped talking at that point, they didn't need to keep doing it. They just fucked. And oh did they have some fun at it. They moved their hips, moaning loudly as the textured shaft fucked them both equally. Whoever managed to squeeze her cunny tighter was the boy for that thrust. Rose had the age advantage and was the horniest of the pair, but the other girl had more experience and was anatomically tighter. It was an even match, and it took them a couple minutes to begin crying out their impending orgasms.

"I'm... I'm gonna..." Rosie said between pants and whimpers.

"Fuck..." Was all that was replied to her as the mouse girl gritted her teeth. They were both awfully close, so they both wanted to be the girl on that particular thrust. The two relaxed their inner muscles, not expecting the other to do the same, and their cunnies slammed together, clit against clit, for an orgasm that could only be described as... Explosive.

Rose shook, the other girl tensed, both whined out. Their cunnies quivered and a damp spot formed under their union as their two bodies clashed in nerve shattering orgasms. Both girls gasped, choked on a moan and then screamed a name into the air.



The two girls panted out of it. Rose blushed and looked down, ashamed. She had cried her brother's name...

"That was amazing Rose... Oh I hadn't cum so hard since the annual gang-bang meeting..." The mouse girl said.

"But I, but I..." Rose began.

"...didn't know my name and simply screamed the one that you wanted... the boy who you really wanted to be cumming with you..." She said, not hurt at all.

"So... It's okay?" She asked hopeful.

"More than okay Rose... This Timmy, your twin brother... You love him, right?" The mouse girl asked, pulling the plastic toy out of both their moist and still trembling sexes.

"M-more than anything..." She said.

"Does he know? Have you told him?" The mouse asked. She was cleaning the toy with some disinfectant towels.

"Yeah... But not like this, not..." She began.

"Not as your soulmate?" The mouse girl asked. Even though Rose couldn't tell, the girl was directing the conversation skillfully.

"No... And he... He now has a girlfriend... And I have a boyfriend..." She said, the poor girl completely confused.

"Well... Do you mind sharing your brother? Or do you want him all for yourself?" The mouse asked, putting everything in her tidy little bag and cuddling the sweaty and cum-stained vixen.

"I... Would like him to be mine only, but I can see he is happy with Ketzio... And I'm happy with Drad..." Rose said, looking at the huge mirror in the ceiling.

"So... You twins must share a lot... Why not share yourselves? Tell you what you should do..." The mouse began, but made a pause so Rose would draw her own conclusions.

"I should tell him... I should tell him that I love him and I never want to be just his sister anymore... But that it's okay if he also loves Ketzio..." She said. She actually got up and tried to stand up, but a gentle hand stopped her.

"Now? Why not wait... Wait for the right moment... You'll know" the mouse said with a reassuring smile.

"How old are you?" Rose asked, suddenly curious.

"Fifteen" the mouse asked, not sure as to why she asked.

"Oh... Okay... It's just" Rose began.

"I sound a lot older?" The mouse girl finished for her with a chuckle.

"Yeah..." Rose accepted and sat down, before lying on the older girl's chest.

"Well, I've been getting that a lot... But it's fine, really. I didn't mind at all" the mouse girl said. Kathy, in her post-orgasmic bliss and hugged against this lovely female, couldn't help but doze off. The mouse allowed herself a minute of cuddling the naked little girl, before giving her a kiss on the forehead. Very carefully she got up and began to clean, the mouse teen getting the mess out and tucking the girl in. She seemed to wake up slightly from her sleep, and saw her preparing to leave.

"Why are you going?" She asked with a slow, dreamy voice.

"There is much to do out there my dear. Lovely young girls like you sitting at bars with dreamy faces... Looking for a friend, a roll in the hay, or both..." She said as if she was an old sage.

"Don't..." She said, slowly falling back asleep. Her tiny paws clawing at the air, wanting the warmth by her side.

"Aww..." The mouse girl said, moving towards her and kissing her lips softly, barely pushing them together. "You don't need me by your side, you already have someone... Don't forget to tell him" she said.

"Won't... Forget..." Was all Rose said before falling asleep once more. The mouse girl sighed softly, brushing her hair like a mother. She then carefully got up and cleaned the room perfectly, obviously not the first time she had to by herself. Once she was satisfied with leaving no evidence behind, she gave her one last kiss. The girl squirmed slightly, deep in her sleep, but smiled as the girl left. And it was with that smile that the others found her once they came back.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Tim asked. He was being led by an also naked and giggly Rose.

"Yes! Err... I guess... But yeah, Mia said it was this way!" She replied. They were walking through an old passageway, completely abandoned.

"Rose, I'm getting the creeps out of this place..." Timmy said nervously. Rose simply kept going. She too was slightly scared, but she didn't show it. Couldn't show it. She had to be strong so they would get to their destination.

"Aha!!" She said with a wide ecstatic grin. They were in front of a big red door that said CLOSED.

"Uh... You do know how to read, right?" Tim asked, not wanting to be mean. She stuck her tongue out at him.

"I do know it says it's closed, fluffybutt... But Mia said it was okay" she said. With a quick motion she flung open the door, and both gasped. They were on the outside of the ship, on one of the aft edges. The midday sun was blasting onto them with powerful rays, rays that they hadn't seen for about a week. Only a slight transparent barrier protected them from the gelid high altitude mountain air, and kept the sun in so the place was actually quite warm, even a bit hot.

"Oh wow..." Tim said.

"Told ya!" Rose said triumphant. They stepped on the grass, their bare feet almost sighing as they rested from the metal and pavement and wood... It was fully covered in grass, except for one part: the stream. Pebbles, all perfectly round and carefully picked, made up for the stream's bottom and edges, and the water flowing through it from a hidden opening in the rocks pooled nicely in the middle before being drained down another hidden opening. They couldn't see it, but the water would then go through a series of complicated and highly efficient filters before running back out, closing the circuit.

"Oh man, how did we not know of this place?" Tim asked.

"It's closed, duh... They don't open it until next week, but it's finished already. Mia said that there's no one here taking care of it or watching over it" Rose said. She then saw a hint of nervousness on her brother's face. "Everything alrighty?" She asked lovingly, a paw on his shoulder.

"Wha...? Yeah, yeah... It's just, I kind of... I'm worried about Ketzio" he said.

"Oh, it'll be alright brother, I know it. Mum and dad got the best lawyer around and she's with Mia and him right now... I'm sure it'll turn out perfect." She said with a reassuring smile. And maybe it was just the tone of her words, or their sibling chemistry, or that paw that reassured him... But he smiled back immediately.

"You're right, I shouldn't be worrying too much... I'm quite sure they'll let us keep her" he said with a smile.

"Yeah! Now come on, this is getting too hot in here and that stream looks simply delicious" she said with a giggle. "Skinny dipping!!" She said with a squeal as she ran to the stream. Everything looked so clean, so perfectly designed... Like a postcard picture. She stopped as she reached the edge and then began to slowly dip in. A slight "brrr" as she felt just how cold the stream was. Still, it wasn't too cold to be enjoyable. She sunk in to the hip and looked at her brother, motioning to come over playfully.

"Come on, the water is fresh and nice!" She said with a squeal. To their side, contained only by the thin and transparent glass cover, they could see the white peaks of the Himalayas as if they were huge white teeth smiling at them both.

"I'm coming I'm coming" Timmy said. In no time he was knee deep in the chilly water, his member (which had acquired an almost permanent state of semi-erection on the ship full of naked cubs) was dangling just over the water before he sank to the waist. He gritted his teeth and hissed as the water reached his 'thermostat' and kept on going until the water reached his neck, joining his sister in the middle of the stream. The water was crystal-clear, but it's fast movements made it impossible to see underneath.

"Aaah, a bit colder than expected but it's damn refreshing in this heat..." Timmy said.

"It is, right?" She asked with a giggle.

"Yeah. Bet you wish Drad was here to swim with us" he said. His words stung a bit, not because of Drad's departure a day before as expected, but because he thought that she only cared for him.

"Actually, it's fine. Really" she said. "I've got you" she added, biting her lower lip slightly.

"Aww and I have you sis" he said with a smile. But he didn't seem to grasp her context. Rose decided to up the ante, raise the bar.

"You know, I've heard that boys' thingies hurt a bit of they're put in cold water..." She said. He answered innocently with a grimace, not catching the hint in her voice. She moved towards him, the stream perfectly deep enough to keep the water up to their necks, but shallow enough so they could stand.

"You know... I know of this place... Where we can keep your thingy warm and cozy." She said, pulling him close to her. "Interested?" She asked lovingly as she pressed his body onto hers. This caught the young fox by surprise and he gasped, his blood rushing to his cheeks as he couldn't help but look deep into her eyes. "S-sis? We have boyfriends and girlfriends now..." He said. This once more made Rose's heart stop for a second, but she knew she couldn't back down now.

"I know, I know... But I love you. And not just like a sister, like... I love love you" she said, blushing deeply. "And I want to be with you, I want you... To be with me. Please" she begged. She was close to tears, but Timmy proved to be the gentleman. He finally saw through her display at the scaredy young vixen that hid in there, a girl begging for his love... And did the best he could do at the moment. He shut her up with a soft kiss. She was still blabbering after his lips touched hers, but in a split second she calmed down and moaned slightly. There was a huge relief in his actions now, she seemed to be calming down a lot. He pulled back, a tiny strand of saliva joining the pair as they stood silent, the water being the only noise in their ears.

"So, about that... Special place you knew" he said with a coy smile. She laughed softly. He was such a tease... But oh she loved him that way.

"Come here..." She said with a soft, silky voice as she trailed a finger over the surface of the water. Her seductive tone, the promise of sex, her eyes sparkling with pure affection for the boy... The girl was a Loli version of an ancient river nymph, an irresistible love spirit just begging for this boy... Her boy. He didn't say anything, just blushed, smiled and moved closer to where she was. Using the weightlessness provided by the water the girl rose up a bit and positioned herself so that his groin would be just under hers. His penis, which had retracted due to the cold, was tuckered away nicely in that quickly swelling sheath of his.

"Nyah... Here." She said as one of her paws grabbed his sheath and the other spread her lips. She held back a gasp as she felt the cold water on her bare vulva but it was all okay... It wouldn't be cold for long. She positioned the very opening of his sheath on the opening of her cunny and pressed slightly. The very first millimeter of his sheath made its way into her vaginal opening, like two spaceships docking under the water.

"Aaaanh... There... Now lets get you in there..." She said with a loving and submissive whimper, as the sheer contact and situation caused his pink tip to protrude. It found only warmth and flesh, and so it kept going. Rose gasped. It was just like being penetrated by him, but much slower... And she could feel him not only growing longer but wider as well. He moaned softly into her ears, and the sheer sound made the girl shiver in anticipation. That was HER brother, HER mate... And SHE was the one making him moan... The contours of his cock felt oddly familiar, even though she had only felt them once before... On that very first day when they lost their virginities to each other under Mia's caring watch... He had taken her, made her a woman... And only now did she understand why Mia had congratulated her as she cleaned the blood from her deflowered sex.

"R-rose..." His cute little voice went.

"I'm here Timmy... Always here... Always with you" she said. A bit cheesy, and he'd make fun of that for years to come, but not then. Then it felt just perfect.

"Y-you weren't lying. It is quite warm..." He giggled, his cock now fully into her.

"Told you... Fluffybutt" she teased, before floating a bit and wrapping her legs on his waist and her arms on his neck. It was a silent invitation, and he understood perfectly as he began to pump in and out, slow and cumbersome under the cold moving water. Rose gasped silently, mouth open and slightly drooling in pleasure. Drad's cock was amazing, but her brother's member was beyond perfect. It was almost as if it was made for her and her only, which made sense given that they were twins. She cooed his name, whimpered lovingly and then moaned back into his ear as his thrusts went a bit deeper. Every time he pulled a tiny bit of cold water came in, accentuating the feeling of horrible, cold emptiness that the lack of his cock left on his pull, and it was pushed out as he filled her again, transforming those feelings into fullness and warmth... She knew she could've died happy right then, it all made sense... She loved Drad, and she was sure Tim loved Ketzio, but... There was a spark between these siblings, something that joined them beyond sharing a womb or sharing a bed... Somehow they knew they needed each-other.

"Tim... Oh, my Tim..." She went. He was moving way too slow, the water hindering his movements quite a bit.

"Gods, Rosie..." He replied. The sensation of cold water on his lower shaft every time he pulled back, and the sheer oven-like heat that this girl was producing down there had the boy close... She could feel his knot pounding slightly on her entrance, popping in and out with increasing levels of resistance. But she was nowhere near cumming. It was perhaps his rhythm, or the nervousness she'd had, or the fact that her clit was submerged in cold water... And she couldn't take it anymore. She needed her brother to make her scream, even if it meant deviating from her plan of fucking him underwater.

"T-Timmy, s-stop..." She said out of breath. He did just as she asked, and in the stillness she managed to feel a tiny bit of pre splash inside her.

"W-what, did I do something wrong?" He asked, concerned and a bit angry at being denied pleasure.

"Nononono, not at all Tim... It's just, it's too cold. Lets go to the shore and warm up..." She said lovingly. "Here. I'll keep it warm" she said as she pulled his cock out of her cunny. In a brief moment of transparency she could see a string of whitish liquid clinging by a strand to his tip, before being taken away by the slight current. She wrapped a paw lovingly over his member, shielding most of it from the cold, and with a smile she walked out of the river with him in tow, leading him by the cock just as she had led Drad out of the bar. They came out of the river and she let his cock go, before lying down on the grass. It felt cool and soothing and fresh... She sighed softly as the warm rays of the sun splashed over her and soothed her cold body with warmth, as she stretched like a kitten, naked and happy.

"Come and help me get warmed up love..." She said in a teasy voice, spreading her legs for him. She had thought of doing it doggy style, since Ketzio told her it was his favorite position. But she couldn't, not this time. She needed to see his face while he made her his.

"In an instant" he replied and got on his belly over her. Expertly guiding his cock he began to poke at his twin sister's anus playfully. She bit her lip. If he wanted to take her like that she wouldn't protest, he had done it before anyway. But she would've loved...

"Remember that night? My willy up your butt... And you using your vibrator on your cunny... Don't ever tell Ketzio but... That's the image I see when I cum with her..." He confessed. To her, that was better than anything he could've ever said in the whole world. She felt inflated in joy, puffed up with pride... And the feelings got a dose of pleasure as he quickly switched to a less naughty hole and pushed. A silent moan, her lips wide open before he shut them with a kiss... Her legs spreading wider instinctively as they tried to give him more and more depth on her loli cunny... Her feet wrapped around his back and pulled, not afraid at all to show him just how needy she was. His cock pushed past her tight vaginal walls and pressed softly against her cervix as his knot, still small, popped in.

"Tim... Tiiiiiiiiim" she went in pathetically cute whines.

"I'm here... I'm here..." He panted, drawing out. His knot popped out quickly and his whole cock pulled out before driving back in. She could tell he was being rougher than usual, probably since he was holding back for the sake of Ketzio's nine year old body, but not with his sister... No, he knew she would take it all, and give it back tenfold... He knew he could be just what he wanted with her, and she would never hold it against him. He fucked his twin sister hard, not particularly rough or harsh, but no holding back either. His knot was now straining to pop in and out, the bulbous appendage stretching her vulpine labia with every movement.

"I'm not sure it'll..." Tim began.

"G-go on brother... Knot me... Please" she begged cutely, her whole body tense and shivering. He didn't reply with words, but with a particular heave that caused his shaft to push hard into her depths. His knot stretched her vulva, she gave a silent scream of pleasure and pain... And then with a pop it was over. He was in, and he wasn't going out. His knot seemed to stretch her cunny just about perfectly, taking her to that special place she dreamed of as he kept humping, erratic and shaky. He could feel his tip nestled perfectly against her cervix, his tapered opening just barely inside... And then she knew. She knew that his body was trying to impregnate his twin sister, doing all it could to make sure this girl got knocked up... And that was what did it for the girl. Rose tensed, a moan stuck on her throat as her brother, her Timmy, made her climax in the most spectacular way possible. Her cunny tightened up, so hard Tim could barely move inside her now, and became slick and warm with her juices. Tim wasn't lagging far behind. He gave a grunt, his hand trying to find grip in the moist grass. Their bodies, dried by the sun and their own heat, moving in a perfectly choreographed display of love and affection, of two twins giving themselves into each other...

"Rose, I'm..." He began.

"Don't talk, j-just cum in me brother!" She made out. Apparently he heeded her indications as he began to twitch heavily within her. She felt a surge of warmth accompanying every twitch, and with his knot keeping the cum inside it began to fill other spaces. Her womb filled out, her Fallopian tubes got filled to the brim... She actually managed to worry for a second that he could be peeing inside her due to the sheer volume, but that wasn't the case. The feel of her brother's cum, forbidden seed, filling up her cunny so much triggered a small aftershock orgasm inside her.

"Timmy...!" She went out. Just like a couple nights earlier with the mouse girl. This time her ears twitched in delight as her name was returned.

"R-Rosie...!" Went his voice, shaky as he used up all his energy to fill up his twin sister with seed, powerful and virile. The only thing that could stop his swimmers from getting the young preteen pregnant was the air-dispersed birth control they had on the whole ship. His balls pulled tight against his scrotum and the kid felt like fainting after such a powerful orgasm. He panted, his tongue lolling out as they basked in their afterglow and the sun's mighty warmth.

"Sis, I..." Tim began.

"Please..." She stopped him. She had tears in her eyes.

"Are you? Was it me? Did I...?" He began concerned, but she shut him up.

"Stop! It wasn't you... It... Was perfect" she said, a tear rolling down her cheek as she sniffled.

"So, what's with the tears?" He asked, trying to lick her salty tears clean.

"I'm just..." She said, before wrapping her arms around him really tight. "I need you brother... I can't live without you, I don't... I'll never be happy without you, you are everything to me I just..." She said, sniffling and crying like a young girl... Like the young girl she was.

"I-I'm not going anywhere" he said, trying to console her.

"Can you promise me that? Can you? Will you please be there for me? I don't mind what I have to do... I know you love Ketzio, and I'd never ask you to put her aside... But could you still keep a place in your heart for me? Will I still be able to sneak into your room at night if I can't sleep?" She asked, hopeful eyes full of innocent hope and tears.

"Rosie I... You know I will always have you first... We will never be apart, I promise. And I will always let you cuddle me on those cold nights mom and dad spend away... And if you ever can't sleep and you need to come in to my room and cuddle up I will never ever say no..." He said lovingly, looking at her straight into her eyes. They shared that moment for some seconds, that utter deliverance into their own twin soul-mates, that loving and tender union between two souls...

"Can't promise you'll sleep though..." He said with a grin and gave her a hump just to emphasize what he meant. She giggled and ruffled his hair just like the playful twins they were.

"Oh I wouldn't protest brother... Never." She said with a soft sigh and then kissed him. She kissed his soft, slightly dry lips passionately, lovingly... She needed him and he needed her, and they both quenched their thirst for love in each other's embrace. And there, under the soft rays of sun and by the cool water of the stream, they vowed to never leave the other alone.

Mia popped up her cellphone, hiding it inside the small purse while the lawyer explained some boring stuff about Ketzio's new adoption contract. She usually didn't carry one but she was expecting a text. A text that arrived at that moment.

Sorry I didn't text you before, couldn't find my cellphone. Well, I knew were it was but I couldn't pull it out... The things a girl does to avoid buying vibrators... LOL

Mia fought hard not to laugh while in the lawyer's presence, who was talking to Ketzio now about some responsibilities. She quickly typed back.

Hahaha, you devilish nymphomaniac mouse... The young vixen is having some private time with her brother. You must've done a good number on her... As always ;)

Mia waited patiently, tapping the back of the phone idly. In no time it buzzed again.

Who, me? :p I kinda did, but she played her part too. Downed half a bottle of the stuff... I managed to cum it out of her but she left a huuuuge puddle...

Mia bit her lower lip and rubbed her legs together slightly, hiding her motion as if she was just getting comfortable on the chair. She quickly wrote and pressed send.

_Oh geez, spare me the details please, or I'll have to explain this lawyer why I have a paw between my legs :3 _

Again the wait, this time barely over twenty-seconds. She looked at the bright little screen intensely.

Tee hee, naughty collie... You kinda bonded with the pair though. By the way, where did you tell them to go? My tracker isn't picking up their cards... :/

Mia smiled. So they had gone there... No wonder the mouse girl couldn't track their special ID cards, since they were technically out of bounds. Her fingers dashed quickly over the keys.

I told the girl how to get to the nature delight area. The one they're supposed to open next week?

She took a deep breath and looked at Ketzio. She seemed nervous but she was quite happy apparently, getting a family and all... Again the phone buzzed and she looked.

Niiiiiice XD I always knew you couldn't stick to the rules... Did you tell them to use protection??

This time, confused, she read the message a couple times to be sure. Her fingers danced with arachnid dexterity on the keys as she typed a reply message and quickly pressed the green button.

Protection? Why? You know the air is loaded with birth control pheromones...

The seconds were eternal as she awaited for the young mouse's reply, the collie feeling a slight shiver run down her spine as the bright screen flashed and the phone buzzed in her hand, almost making her drop it.

Not there, they have it running an isolated AC circuit while they... Oh no... :s

Mia went pale.

Three months later

Rose watched as Ketzio and Timmy gave her a slight wink and got into their room, closing the door but not locking it. They weren't going to be disturbed, besides anyone knew what they would be doing. They did it up to twice a day nowadays... She sighed with a relaxed giggle and returned to the piece of paper she had in front. She had never written a letter before, a real one, but she'd been meaning to for a week now. With a sharp inhale she began to scribble on the paper.

To Mia, at the MHPC

Hi there Mia! We've missed you a lot. Mum and dad say they're taking us up there again in a couple of months if we're good. We've been trying really hard, so I think they'll say yes. I wanted to thank you for all you did for us. Timmy is very happy with Ketzio, and they're having sex as I write this. They're very loud, especially since Tim found a kamasutra book in dad's sock drawer. He hasn't forgotten me though, most nights I stay awake waiting for him... And when Ketzio falls asleep he comes to my room. And I can just tell, by the look on his face, that he wants to make love... And he says I look like that too. He fills up my heart and other places _so nicely... The rest of it is filled by Drad. He's been coming over most days, and we keep a noise competition up with Ketzio and Timmy... We always win. Well... Most of the time. _

I've been okay myself. My breasts are growing a bit, much to the delight of my two boys and the jealousy of Ketzio. I haven't had my first heat yet, mom said it should happen any second. I've been having a lot of exercise lately (of the naughty kind) but I don't seem to be losing weight like you said would happen... Actually I think I've gained a couple pounds... Anyways. Just wanted...

Rose stopped. A paw on her shoulder, the husky warm breath of a lover on the back of her neck... Since Ketzio was still moaning loudly she knew it was her bunny boyfriend behind her.

"Come back to bed..." Was all he said. She bit her lip and rubbed her legs together. That's all he really had to say, the twelve year old vixen sold on the mere tone of his voice.

"Once second cutie... Let me finish this up and then I'll teach you what an Australian kiss is" she said with a soft giggle as he began to trail kisses down the back of her neck, making her fur stand on edge.

"An Australian kiss?" He asked, still kissing.

"Y-yah... L-like a French kiss, but down-under..." She said with a naughty giggle. He gave off a lusty growl and it took all her effort not to jump the boy right then and there.

"Don't take long..." He said, and retreated to the bed.

"I won't. Lemme just finish this..." She said and kept writing.

... To say thanks. You made me realize what a big bond me and Timmy had when you had us take our virginities away... And you helped me meet Drad at the bar... And helped with Ketzio's adoption. I just wanted you to know that you're in our minds all the time... I even masturbated to a memory of you and I behind some bushes _drew a picture of you one day. We're really looking forward to see you again when we return. _

With love



Genesis (Illustrated)

Hello SF, today I bring you my new favorite story. I have never finished a story like this so fast, so I might've missed a typo or two. Anyway, do enjoy and please comment if you have anything to say, I love reading what you...

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Fly Me To The Moon

Here it is, after a lot of writing I've decided to return to what started it all. This is the 6th and NOT final chapter of "Marshmallows And Love" and it features a pair of characters belonging to this couple who loves this series, so... Enjoy! And...

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