OR: Gnolbolds

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#5 of RH's Beastiary (Fantasy Races)

Finite! I filled out the traits.

Thanks to https://greedydragoness.sofurry.com/ for inspiring the idea

Species Name: Gnolbolds

Origins/Homeworld: Various worlds and planes. Gnolbolds occur when a dragon and a Gnoll mate together, mainly female dragons and male gnolls.

Average Weight: 90-140 pounds full grown.

Average Height: 4 Feet tall when they fully mature

Average Lifespan: 120 to 150 years due to the Draconic Blood that runs through their veins

Intelligence Level: Gnolbolds are highly clever creatures, showing an understanding of how electricity works as well as Mechanics, Alchemy and Explosives. They are capable of speaking several languages, their main language is a pidgin of the Draconic, and their Alternate languages vary between simplified versions of Local tongues including ones of other Races. Gnolbolds are also adept at tactics, ranging from Hit and Run to Steamrolling right over any intruder to their lair or any of their enemies...

Civilization Level: Tribal Phase, They seem to prefer it this way....

Civilization Age: 100 years old

Population: Varies In regions

Culture(s): Gnolbolds have a Shamanistic culture with a Matricentric aspect as studied by an Innkeeper who offered herself to Gnolbold Male and was incidentally impregnated with its offspring: the young Gnolbold showed a reverence for the Innkeeper mother as well as the Fireplace by constantly maintaining it, He followed every order she asked him to do which lead to the rising of the term "House Gnolbold" in her book on how raise one. Gnoldbolds in the wild are similarly the same way with their Brood Mother Dragon who spawns forth these little buggers; Often in their Lairs, you will notice an Elemental theme to it such as veins of electricity running through it or torches on the walls, that is because each Lair contains a Gnolbold shaman who controls said element and their VERY powerful due to their natural affinity, but is not by a magical means somehow as noted by a Paladin-in-training who was sent to investigate mine that was supposedly infested by kobolds.He found that the Kobold leadership was killed off and replaced by Gnolbolds and their Shaman, the Kobolds that were their were enslaved to do various tasks for them.

The Paladin noted that the Gnolbolds possess an Artificer class in their Hierarchy which ranks beneath the Shaman and the Inner Lair Guards. The Gnolbold Artificers seem to be quite the Craftsman, even making Goblin-made tools and devices would look shoddy in comparison, He was able to even see one in its improvised workshop to witness the little artificer create a Steel pickaxe then alchemically enchant it, completely involved in its work in a few minutes until it was finished before noticing said Trainee Paladin, It activate an Alarm-like device, alerting the entire lair to his presence.

In only few moments he was surround by Kobold slave warriors be ushered by a Gnolbold behind them, The Paladin unfortunately panic and froze still until the entire colony was around him with the Gnolbold shaman herself arrived with the Warband. They did not take hostile action though until he started to draw his blade, The Colony started giggling aggressive before the Paladin trainee took a wiser course of action. He reached in his belt pouch for a sticky bun, offering it to Gnolbold Shamaness, She accepted it then dispersed the Colony back to its daily labor, Much less to say... Paladin Trainee Enos learned that Gnolbolds have a high libido and stamina after she tore off her garb...

A month Later after initial investigation, during a full moon, three people from a nearby village were abducted as well as stores of food and drink were stolen. A warrior was sent to investigate the Gnolbold lair but sadly returned badly injured, along with numerous tattoos across his body, Paladin Enos was sent to investigate once more: Apparently the Gnolbolds had kidnapped the villagers for a celebration involving fertility, but he managed to rescue them in exchange for sack of sticky buns filled with cream before any 'activity' could occur... well it did occur but Enos volunteered himself to the Little shamaness to insure the safety of the region.

Much less to say, Gnolbolds have quite the unique culture, they enslave Kobolds, they make well-made tools and devices, They have rituals and celebrations, and Gnolbolds possibly prove to become race that could be interacted with after their establish a civilization...

Technology: Gnolbolds at first when they root themselves into an area, they will have simple tools and weapons but if lair is left undisturbed and there is enough resources, They will progress rather quickly to the point of developing weapons and armor as well as devices that make their survival easier, even to the point of creating Golems to phase out part of their Kobold workforce. The Gnolbold Artificers are the main driving force behind this rapid advancement from the simple slingshot to a single-handed blunderbuss, these artificers often reverse engineer items that their scouts find then recreate them almost perfectly and improve them.

On rare occasions, an Artificer-Shaman will be born, a Gnolbold that is capable of manipulating the components of machines and tools. a Lair that has one will become an impenetrable self-sustainable fortress that will make clearing out any infestation of Gnolbolds a near-impossible task due to complex nature of the defensive mechanisms, the quality of equipment that the Gnolbolds will possess, and the complex network of tunnels they will possess as a means of travel unnoticed while acquiring even more supplies.

Allies: Divine or Holy Beings, Gnolbolds will 'pray' to them in hopes of receiving some sort of blessing and make altars in their lairs for the purpose of worship, even some beings that are worshiped by paladins. Gnolbolds will passively ignore paladins who have their deity lair's blessing, if they enter their lairs as long as they don't draw their weapon...

Druids, Gnolbolds like druids because of the similarities between a Gnolbold's relationship with nature as well as a druid's; plus, druids are fun party guests in the eyes' of the Gnolbolds. A rumor persists about druid that encountered a colony of Gnolbolds performing their fertility ritual celebration joined in on the festivities then had his drink spiked and woke up naked next morning with the entire lair population of Gnolbolds cuddled with him along with a numbing pleasurable sensation across his body.

Dwarves, to simply put it, Gnolbolds won't mess with them whatsoever. The reasons behind this is partly due to Gnolbolds being roughly on par in Height with the stoutly robust mountain dwellers, and tend to move into their abandoned mines to establish a colony as well as the fact that most Dwarfs reek of alcohol which makes it unpleasant for a Gnolbold to even bother to stand their presence.

Draconic Creatures. Gnolbolds, considering their heritage and origins, are attracted to dragons and the like. Many a Gnolbold goes to great lengths to swoon or snatch up a dragon for a mate, or a partner, in an effort to bolster their ranks along with their bloodlines. It is considered a truly unholy day when a wandering youngling finds his into a wyrm's lair, then breed together...

Enemies: Abyssal Demons with extreme prejudice, Gnolbolds will literally instinctively know when demons enter their colony's territory, sensing the corrupt energy that these demons naturally emanate; the colony's reaction to a demonic presence depends on the number of hell-spawn in the area, iThey will often after defeating an Abyssals(s), burn their flesh to get rid of the taint and use their bones for totems at the edge of their lands as wards against evil entities. The Reason why Gnolbolds detest Abyssals is because they threaten natural order of the Universe by throwing it into Corruption and Dissarray.

Gnolbolds also do not like orcs and ogres for the simple reason of the fact they eat ten times more then their entire colony will in a month and are an immense drain on food supplies. Its basically overwhelming competition when you have to out compete a race that can eat an entire boar in one sitting...

Kobold Leaders; Gnolbolds often kill the leadership of a kobold lair then enslave the remaining kobolds to establish their dominance and secure a slave-class. This often happens when a Gnolbold lair is established, local kobold populations will be overpowered by the dwarf sized Gnolls.

Gnomes for obvious reasons, Gnolbolds often make them the butt-end of their humor like "How many Gnomes does it take to kill an Orc?" with the answer being "A whole village", A lot of races find this joke funny except the gnomes themselves. Gnolbolds will actively pick on Gnomes whenever they are around, like tying them up and dressing them like the stereotypical Garden Gnome before putting them in a nearby village well along with other raunchy shenanigans, even to the point of public humiliating gnomish women by raping them in view of other humanoids...

Hostility: If in few numbers, they won't try to attack anything larger than them but if in a horde, they can be quite the threat. they are also prone to causing mischief and Chaos when the mood strikes them...

Physical Description: Gnolbolds are short humanoids that take after their Gnollish cousins with the exception of plantigrade legs and hands similar to a human's. They do not share any physical traits with an actual Kobold fortunately, and are generally much more well built as far as in the terms of physiology, matching a Human skeletal structure though with much sturdier composition. Imagine an Anthromorphization of a Hyena then cut down in size.

Eyes: Various colors.

Hair: Wild, somewhat unmanageable hair with various earthy colors

Fur: Gnolbold's fur varies from region to region with pattern varieties such as spots or stripes, the more temperate regions have thicker fur...

Sexual Dimorphism: It is hard to tell the difference between a male and a Female Gnolbold but one can easily tell by the shapes of their skulls, Male faces are a lot more on the boxy side whiles females tend to be curvy. One can also tell a male by his acquired upper body muscular strength in order to compete with the female's natural strength as well as the fact that females tend to have muscle balanced throughout their body. Males will also have somewhat of that more signature Gnoll's hunch...

Sexuality: Well... Gnolbolds like sex, and will fight or rape for it.

Reproduction: Gnolbolds born to the same brood mother are sterile to their siblings, they can impregnate and be impregnated by other races and Gnolbolds born from other mothers which is the reasoning behind why some will enslave others of their kind for concubines. A preferential method of reproduction for them is bringing their brood mother quality mates of the Gnoll race which they capture then bring to her...

Gnolbold males are also known for their 'size' and 'shape' as well as their 'fertility', making them quite effective at successful reproduction. They also reach sexual maturity after a year and become full-fledged adults around 18 months.

Fertilization: Gnolbolds reproduce in a placental viviparious fashion, meaning they reproduce in a fashion similar to most humanoids then gestate for a set period of time.

Gestation: 3 months for a single child, more if there is multiples...

Brooding (Average # of offspring): 1 to 3

Traits/Abilities: Gnolbolds possess a variety of traits that make them a formidable race of beings to inhabit any realm. There is reason why there is three classifications of Gnolbold is the fact that certain aspects of their Physiology affect their personalities; aforementioned above, Gnolbold shamans can manipulate specific element, Artificers are the craftsman and the Standard is your worst nightmare if you catch one in a bad mood.

Conceived to Survive!: The Gnolbold race possesses a strong drive for survival, even to the point if it means the genocide of an entire race apart from their own, this is what determines a colony's aggression. Colonies that have access to great reserves of resources and do not have any competition to harvest these resources will not be prone to the legendary ruthlessness that some clans who inhabit the desolate regions of their worlds are inclined to preform.

Fleet Footed: Gnolbolds are notoriously quick travelers, though not the fastest in land speed per say, they can run for incredibly long distances to cover a vast amount landscape as their territory, claiming entire expanses of terrain for themselves. The total distance your average gnolbold could travel in his or her lifetime is enough to lap around a continent several times over.

Hyenic Senses: Gnolbolds take after their feral cousins that roam the savannah in the perception department of their biology. The Vision of a Gnolbold is adept at seeing in low light conditions or naturally dark environments with little sources of natural light but doesn't suffer in the daytime as their eyes adjust to the daylight, seeing normally as any other race would. The little devils do have a couple drawbacks with a couple of their senses, namely their strong sense of Smell and Taste: your average gnolbold can smell its next meal from a kilometer away especially if it has a potent odor to it, and it is also the reason why these creatures tend to have the practice of bathing frequently when they manage to acquire a copious source of clean water, their natural hormones found in their perspiration sends their kin into an agitated, restless state. A Gnolbold, believe it or not, has quite the taste buds when it comes to discerning flavors; this powerful sense is what keeps the giggling menaces away from Alchoholic beverages, along with their sense of smell, Liqour to a Gnolbold is offensively overpowering to their perception. Hearing is one of the greater of their senses, an acute ear is what keeps a gnolbold from being ambushed and keeps a colony's kobolds all accounted for in their dwellings.

Memory is the Key: Gnolbolds possess stored away memories from their ancestors, namely dragons and Gnolls, as well as knowledge from these races imbued within their minds that requires the right conditions for these to appear. This is the reason how gnolbold artificers are able to perform their version of Arcania named Thaumology, the Science of Miracles that Ancient dragons used that primitive races called 'Magic'; This type of Draconic knowledge resonates within this classification of their hiearchy the most while Gnolbold shamans are prone to visions such as personal memories of both their racial ancestors, mainly coming into them via dreams or glimpses provoked by a stimuli. The Standard class tends to inherit the survival skill memories from their Gnollish ancestors, though the situation for some house-born gnolbolds tends to have certain interesting variations in their skill sets, like say if a whelp was born to a Shepherd parent, he would be inclined to herd animals as a survival skill. This trait is also where the Gnolbold's burning hatred of Demons stems from, as gnolls have been attempted to be controlled by demons in the past, and Gnolls rebelling against their demonic overlords.

Machete Mastery: Along with their Genetic memories comes with the innate understanding of bladed weapons, namely shortswords and knives. Gnolbolds take quite a spiritual viewpoint when it comes to handling these kind of weapons, to qoute "...When I rend into your flesh with my blade, our souls become one for the brief moment my steel pierces your mortal form, my essence gracing yours with a final kiss goodbye..." that statement would summarize the faith of these instruments; these creatures inherit the reflexes to handle blades from their gnollish ancestors, making them formidable in a Knife fight.

Magic Mutability: Its a double edged sword when your a race born from a dragon; Gnolbolds cannot use magic, other than their thaumology, they're physically incapable of performing the more well known forms of arcania such as the kind mages and warlocks utilize daily. This trait does have an upside to it though, Gnolbolds can't be affected by arcane Hexes, Curses and/or execrations, making them a deadly foe to those who rely on such mystical powers for combat though when it comes to healing spells, they're effectively shafted when it comes to that aspect.

Aspectual Affinity: Gnolbold Shamans are powerful psionically imbued creatures that can control a certain element or type of day to day aspect like wood or emotions. They are capable of manipulating these aspects with ease, almost like if utilizing a limb to grab hold of an object though some Shamans tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to their aspects, such as the ability to manipulate serpents when they reside in an environment where there isn't any snakes. There exists 175 aspects total and one those aspects can be manipulated by a gnolbold shaman, ranging from various elements in the universe.

Shymil Syndrome (Uncommon): Sometimes when a Mother of Unborn gnolbold is exposed to Vyx, Essences in the air, or heavy amounts of mana, it has a chance of causing gender abnormalities such as the offspring developing genitalia opposite of their gender. This is somewhat common amongst pregnant Artificers, alchemists, and Individuals who are dependent on such an arcane resource. Gnolbolds born with this syndrome are prone to aggression, mood swings, Paranoia, Depression, Obsessive compulsive tendencies, develop a dependency on others, and or become avoidant to social interaction. Shemales tend to develop stronger muscles due to masculining effects on their physiology, as well as breast growth, while the opposite tends to be on frailer side.

RaidenRaijin's Gnoll Offspring Ability Reference list

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