Dare to Drink
He was shrinking still and the avian shivered as he felt his insides churn. now though, he was at the bottle, the counter looming over him.
Ocax's Unlucky Day
The avian sighed a little. "what? you act like you've never seen a buff avian before." just that little hint of anger in his voice caused evryone to turn away and mind their own business, not wanting to be a victim of the huge, muscular avian.
Ritoyami Story 1 - Teba's Affections
His bedsheets seemed not to agree with this idea, as they tangled themselves around his lower body tight enough to mummify the young avian.
The Beloved Pet Ch4
My last waking sight was the friendly avian and my new master standing over me.
A Dog’s Best Toy
..one horny avian could only dream of inhaling such bounty.
Dead End
avian. mammal. avian. mammal. avian. mammal. avian. to him, the triple alliance seemed to not be totally represented in this photo. he unconsciously started to rattle his tail. he stopped himself quickly.
Tropical Ambiance
The muscular dragon took it all though, and was roaring in pleasure to the timing of the avian's thrusts.
Project Azura. Rescue in the Lazulai Sea
"thank you...", the captain paused smacking his jowls together as his species were known to, trying to remember the young avian's name.
The Consort
Rikku rubbed his eyes as he made out the faint depiction of what he thought to be an avian species in the water. this was strange since the avian folk had long been ostracized in the region.
Infestation: Breeder
He padded in soft, under the radar, around the the avian's front, before she was even aware of his presence.
Friendly Fire 2 - Bird's Eye View
There stood the team's ace avian pilot, leaning against the doorway, his eyes slightly red and posture slumped. "falco..." \*\*\* it was an altogether dark evening that welcomed back starfox's avian ace pilot.
The Metamorph planet Pt2
What would gareth think of this avian? hell, what would everyone think of this avian? these thoughts flickered past my mind all through our intercourse.