Dance of the Flitterstep

One by one, the others joined in lilting harmony and swayed in time with the music. the thready wails grew fainter and finally ceased. the four masked figures stood as though listening.

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Mrs Trevino, teacher.

As he sat, his eyes peering over his textbook as her lilting voice droned on about hypotenuses and other terms she somehow managed to make sound sexy as all hell, the bell finally rang and someone tossed a wad of paper at his head.

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Mr. Dryfus and Shadow

Debbie's tone took on an unexpected lilt, somewhere between teasing and cruel, "oh i know sweetie. and to think, i'm about to go into heat as well. and i'd have an entire month off when this tour is over for you to... take care of that for me.

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Destiny’s Road: Chapter 1: The dream

A voice let out a lilting laugh and i sighed realizing it had no answers then turned to face the creatures.

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The Sword and the Scabbard - Part 1 - The Hearth and Hammer

He says, a lilt in his voice indicating he doesn't quite understand that word. "intolerant?" corrects ty. "yeah, that." stutters york. "about gays. intolerant." and suddenly, a whole lot of things started to make sense to the little fox.

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The Grand Adventures of Knight Plum and Her Daring Squire Peaches

"you know," peaches said with a lazy lilt, "it was the darnedest thing. i took my eyes \*urp\* off it for just a second when you came running out and when i looked back, gone. must have been some nasty beastie that snuck up on me."

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The Harpy's Sire [Patron Reward]

The only parts of him that was alert were his ears, still pricked to take in the bewitching lilt of the harpy's melody. one of her talons reached out for his face, and rested on the side of his cheek.

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The Sleepover: Part 2 (New Ending)

Her voice fell into a sing-song lilt as she spoke, and despite the intention of her words he couldn't help but feel warmth spreading through his chest.

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Azi's Pet

You are mine," she lilted, with a kiss against tara's cheek. "i couldn't let you go now, but i could never hurt you. a pet should be loved, not harmed."

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Tales - How You Play the Game

He struggled to speak evenly, but his words were still lilted at the edges. "w-... wouldn't be the first time!" and with that, he drove himself backwards against the female.

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