To take a pet
Those words were cut short as a paw came across and sent him flying back into a wall where he crash landed on the ground.
Celestial Memories, part 2
All i remembered before i blacked out was crash landing in a forest or something of that sort. i couldn't remember. everything just faded in and out. --- i woke up in unfamilar surroundings and with unfamiliar people.
A Visitors New Life: Touchdown
Says the angry winged vulpine at the controls as his ship heads for a crash landing on some unknown planet. "shields at 40%. chances of survival are one hundred twenty to one." the computer informs the pilot.
Demitri - an old friend with some not so great news
He jumped on the bed then crashed right in mid-air and i never knew how funny it looked when somebody who just crashed lands on the bed and bounces onto the floor waking them up. "what just happened?"
Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 5 - The Grand Finale
Rouge welcomed renamon back as the two moved back to their old facility to spend the rest of their lives messing around or waiting for another vixen to crash land.
A Former Fox in The Archive (Part 2)
Poor tod crash-landed into the shelves holding the other hoops. oliver turned away and he and lucy shielded themselves from the chaos. when the dust settled, they surveyed the mess.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 26
Instead, he crash-landed, almost deliberately. it was then the group witnessed a most peculiar sight. ammon was shouting to someone, then proceeded to throw himself away towards a direction.
Rona and her Stepfather
"i've learned a lot too ever since i crash landed here nine years ago," said orlan. "i've learned that you don't really need advanced technology to enjoy what life has to offer." "that's so true," said rona. rona pointed at something ahead.
chapter eight
The original inhabitants, a draconic race called the ermane have just learned to tolerate the last batch of humans that crash landed there but this new batch is proving to be less tolerable. we've got fun members, unique plots and a great atmosphere!
Episode 5 - Zip Lightning and the Alien King
Zip began to relay his story to their new acquaintance, the mission he had been on, how they were captured from space pirates and then escaped, their crash landing on the moon, and their encounter with the swamp eel.
We Delight
Granted, their plans hadn't included being thrust into a civil war and then fleeing home and family and crash-landing on an uninhabited world! this hadn't been part of the plan.
Rocket Raccoon: Stranded 1
The raccoon proceeded to curse and kick at the ship that had crash landed. while he managed to get out intact, the ship itself was completely mangled and smoking. it wouldn't be an easy fix nor a quick one either.