A Brother's Passion

Alphonse knew quite a bit of alchemy, but he envied his older brother. he felt as if the young man he sat beside could be nothing less then a prodigy, so great was his skill.

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Turning the Tables

Angelo stood up rushing to the alchemy lab, there must be something to cure it! some recipe in the notebooks to cure this slave! angelo stopped in his tracks, did he really just think of draconicon as a slave?

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Thirteel Tales From Another World: FIrst Tale

All the knowledge of alchemy was being uncovered to him. well, novice alchemy at least. he supposed everyone had to start at level one.

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Ruby Character

Pleasuring her stallion man arius · experiencing the diverse pleasures of the palace · creating magical sex toys · alchemy

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Aion's Rebirth - Exes, Chapter 2

alchemy and magic were both professions that were exceedingly difficult to learn and use. it was ironic really that us inaga were so well known for our alchemy, yet so few of us actually practiced it.

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Beastmen and Demons - Chapter 2

It read, "true alchemy". rook approached the door and tapped it two times in a spot close to the doorknob, then four along its front.

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Welcome to Mayhemodium

Abracadapia: the land of fantasy, magic, alchemy, dreams, and fairytales, imagination is the main type of magic around, anything you can think of, you can get.

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Sixth official character

Darkelf: looks like a standard darkelf but stays same sizes for male and female forms wings do show in this form skills: sloan has been gained in spy work, medical work, bone steel smithing, has become a martial arts master(includes weapon mastery), mastered alchemy

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Shadows Returning: Preface (Reboot!)

Taiku has often times forgotten about nivek, instead preferring to craft potions and teach alchemy to the underground societies.

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Pardus the Gelder Chapter 1: Donkeys of the villa

Some "modern" tech would be explained with alchemy. the foreword and first three chapters were previously submitted in a non-furry-themed website and in a different language.

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From Silver to Rags

His passion was more in the realm of alchemy, particularly the art of conjuration. it was an art that was frowned upon in most of the known world.

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