Mind Games - Part One
Three case summaries due on the d.a.'s desk by eight a.m. tomorrow. then there's your normal caseload... what is it up to now, twelve?" he paused long enough to pour himself some water from the cooler next to his file cabinet.
Roen Oliver lost in time
Roen oliver lost in time by ginsenshi summary: 10 years into the future, rowan has an encounter with time force and rrantic.
A lively demonstration
Story summary: an alchemist raccoon advertises her potion shop by demonstrating some of her wares on herself. word count: 2688 oh my gosh i'm not dead! here's a story i did for myself, starring my raccoon clarimond!
Razed - Chapter 8
summary version. we'll skip the, uh, the details. surprise surprise, it wasn't enough - he was lying - and instead of telling the truth and talking about it, breaking up when he saw no way forward, he pressed on.
The summary of the Gyetkti Floating Cattle by Professor Marlo Trotsky
Hello dear reader, I do hope this book finds you in good shape. I have been living on the planet of Gyetkti for several years now, in a village of about 20 citizens. The natives of the planet are a bit of an enigma themselves, being cephelopodiforms...
Original Character: Daniel Rowick
Characters a poor blighter that has been through hell and back **name: ** daniel rowick **nickname: "** danny" by his wife **age: ** 50 years old **gender: ** male **height: ** 5'9 **species: ** lynx (anthromorph) **summary
In a pack part 18
His mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. more summary inside.
From the desk of the General. Mission 4.
summary transcribed by lt. rap (who never quite understood the point of magic eye. if you wanted to look at a picture of a unicorn, just draw a unicorn. right? art should not give you a migraine.)
From the desk of the General. Mission 2.
summary transcribed by lt. rap (i better get this logged for overtime or i'm telling rave about these lie-ins of anar's!)
From the desk of the General. Mission 1.
summary transcribed by lt. rap (i'm too bloody soft, i've got my own shit to do, you know? he needs a secretary.)
NM #9 ~ Go to Bed Mister
#9 of niv & mela [ summary: ] mela shepherds niv to bed when he struggles to get there on his own. [ ~600 words ] old work. this happened because my brain has more time for ideas than it does sleep.
NM #7 ~ Gone
#7 of niv & mela [ summary: ] mela finds niv missing in the morning. [ ~600 words ] old work. characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 mela woke and stretched an arm across the bed to find herself alone.