Bruce and the Wolfdog

Bruce grumbled to himself as he took the trash out behind the apartment complex that he owned. The large bat was both bored and irritated. He had been texting another guy on a hookup app and expected them to show up soon but they got cold feet and...

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Scaled Up

Hours passed as I threaded my way through the verdant underbrush, and the short, low swings of my machete made the going easier. A few green stains marred the white fur on my front and darkened patches of the rust-colored fur almost everywhere else....

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Stallion's Release

**Stallion's Release** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ _ _ Festivity buzzed through the air, infecting even the most serious of competitor's at the city's most prolific winter horse show. A new show, it had set off to compete with the...

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[QC-38] Between a Tree And a Soft Place

Between a Tree and a Soft Place Rick yawned and stretched in his bed as he heard the light chirping of birds outside his window. Outside, the sun had barely begin to rise and the land was bathed in the cool orange glow of dawn; this meant that it was...

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[COM-15] Juniper and Her Body Image

Juniper and Her Self Image Juniper kept her head held high as she walked up the pathway from her home in the Great Yelfritian Woods. After many months of self-reflective deliberation, she was finally ready to take the next great step in her personal...

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[COM-29] For His Foxi

For His Foxi Everything was going to be perfect. Raekal knew this because he had been planning it for months and this was the perfect time to enact his plan, as it was spring and love was in the air. Breeding season for most, and the best time of the...

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Perception of Time For Pet Dragons

Perception of Time For Pet Dragons After a long day at work, Rigel was home and ready to relax with his pets by the TV with laptop in hand. The blue dragon worked at a grocery store in North Klyneth, one of the only sellers of fruits from The Nectar...

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Graham's Ranch for Exotic Animals

"Sam! Give it back!" "You want it, Kyle? You're gonna have to beg!" "Pipe down you two, I'm trying to listen to the Sat-Nav!" A navy blue family car trundled along country back roads, it's frame jostling and rumbling as it passed over rocks...

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Trigger Warning

"Ex_cuse_ **you**!" the young Shiba Inu bitch snarled as she shoved past the much larger German shepherd male to get onto the train, shoulder checking him in the stomach in the process. "Ever heard of ladies first?" The shepherd narrowed his eyes...

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Apex Predators of the Savannah

Apex Predators of the Savannah Life on the Untherian savannah was about as rugged and taxing as one would imagine, with beastly creatures roaming the plains at night and an oppressive, permeating heat that made anything from hunting to breeding more...

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First in Line

**First in Line** Ithilwen, Dustafyer, and Therris all raised their glasses in the middle of the table, careful to not spill their drinks while toasting one another. They weren't celebrating anything in particular, they just loved the company of each...

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Group Treat

"Don't you think that costume's a little....uh, on the nose?" Vell turned on the spot to blink innocently at his long-standing friend and then looked down at his costume, grasping the edges of the flowing trimmed cape and twisting his body this...

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