Don't Tell Your Mother (Part 1)
It didn't take long for the young male raccoon to notice that his sister was masturbating and felt his own erection pulse even more.
Jason and Speedy - chapter four - Coming of Age and New Experiences
She pulled back and said,"now, my fine young male, lay back on the bed for me. i'm going to show you a little about oral sex before i have you mount and mate me." that sounded fine to speedy.
Pet Teacher: Chapter 1 - Friday
Like so many young male skunks, jimmy was an ass fur. he took advantage of his slave's position to run his paws over her flanks, buttocks, and thighs.
Tale of Toumal, Part 2: The search for the temple
Smiling and giving him a soft kiss on the beak, the young male churred "i've already taken.. would you be willing to take me?"
The Videogame That Transforms You
"abaddon, i have news for you," she said as she sat down next to the young boy who used to be a grown man.
Joining The Pack
male up and line himself up, the thick tip of doran's cock pressed firmly against aidan's tailhole, the young male's cock shooting a line of precum just from that first contact alone.
Commission - The Hyena's Kingdom - P3
However, it was clear when the animals present were revealed to all be young males of different herds looking for fun, the twins began to get a little nervous.
boy blacked out.
Trouble Were-ever He Goes
Maggie tackled the young male and held him down. "don't get in his way. and don't get in mine." she bounded after him.
Meet Me at the Ferris Wheel (Patreon Extreme)
It had an inviting, musky scent that caused the young boy to lean in and push his nose into that dark fur.
The Quest chapter 4
The wolfess watched as mala walked out of the tent and directed her gaze to the young human male.