Going for Gold.
Rowen was just closing his eyes in a fit of moans, groans, and loud squawks. ash's thrusts just only got faster and harder as he stopped gripping his legs moving his arms around him and pulling him into each thrust.
I had never given anything of athletic portions too much precedence in my life. i much preferred watching to actually playing. "it's liberating really. not bad for de-stressing. it's really helped me out in my life" he said thoughtfully.
Team Lightning Part 1
He had long since gotten used to the athletic pain of a strained muscle that would soon become stronger and well used. "good. you're awake.", said the coach.
Beyond Gold
To be fair, it was what most athletes were there for once their competitions were done. it's not like the village didn't hand out condoms like candy for a reason: hundreds of the most fit, athletic, energetic, attractive young people in the world?
In My Wildest Dreams Part 1 Junior High
I am one of the popular kids at the school; smart, good looking, and a star athlete. i have a little bit of a shy streak, so, unlike some of the other jocks in the school, i don't have an ego problem.
Stray Nights - For Sevlow.txt
He was going to fit all that...into him?!
Fat Moose #4
Morning after the party The big jock grunted, as he awoke with bright sunlight on his muzzle. The sleek black feline rolled over, and covered his aching head with one well-muscled arm. But then became aware of his full bladder, and his...
Chronicles of a Half-Dragon: Chapter 1: Rebirth
You know the rules. DON'T READ UNLESS 18 OR OLDER! Chronicles of a half dragon Chapter: 1 Rebirth Crystal blue skies and oceans of amber wheat flowed beneath me as I twisted over and looped in the air. The air whistled by my ears and...
First Version: Rociel Hentzel
Name: Rociel Hentzel Nickname: Ciel by her little sister and her father occasionally Age: 15 years of age Gender: Female Height: 6'2 Summary Description: Species: Spotted-striped Hyena Personality: Rociel 's personality is quite strange because...
My Anubis
My Anubis Chapter 1 My Anubis \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> A/N: Well, pretty much I just wanted to write a generic yiff story. Nothing special, it is just something to pass the time and try to improve my...
Nightintodream vs Hooves
Battle Nightintodream vs Hooves The big golden stallion smiled at the young black and white Clydesdale leeringly. "Why don't ya start out small kid!" He advised as kindly as he ever spoke to anyone. "I gotta real match comin' up in a...
Stix and Stones
Stix and Stones The Dublin Junior College Lacrosse team had a long history of star players and winning teams. In fact the team was so popular they often out recruited many of the bigger division one teams and routinely placed those schools on their...