The Gates of Hell, Chapter 3
There was no danger of inbreeding with the mulk, each was identical to the other in all ways, the only differences being their sex.
Magical Mayhen Sorcerous Familiar Chapter two: The Arival of Veil Academy!
Dilute it with thousands of years of inbreeding to preserve the bloodline. add a dash of superiority complex, a little money grubbing and _voila._ instant aristocrat. trust me shiro.
Chapter 10: Find a Way.
(inbreeding) "don't think me rude," angela said, finally letting curiosity get the best of her. "but what the hell are you?" the bird-lion took a step back as if she just sprouted a time bomb on her head.
Clan wars
"my dad likes to brag about how our blood line can be traced back to the first werebear, but to me it just sounds like he's boasting about inbreeding." marcus laughed, and he turned his head to look at sam, a wide smile on his muzzle.
The Dogs: Born For Adversity
They'd all see his scrawny, bony body, they'd see west virginia in florida even if they'd never seen the milky way, they'd see his centuries of virginian aristocratic inbreeding in pale but erstwhile imitation of the habsburgs, his body that was wracked with
Dangerous Experimentation #2 - Family Tying
The gene therapy to make us healthy and stop the inbreeding." vincent froze, shocked beyond measure that julian would have so blatantly talked about something he'd shared in private. "d-doctor faren, strike that from the record," he said numbly.
Working Family I
Even though daphne loved her father and brother, she had been told about the potential dangers of inbreeding. additionally, she wasn't sure if she was ready for a foal of her own yet.
A special Bunny in the big city: a very special event
# A special Bunny in the big city: a very special event Judy grunted loudly, drawing the attention of the other officers in the room once again as the now familiar sound of cum splattering on the floor and the lockers in front...
A Romp of Otters
Though such things did happen, sizh understood the rules that helped deter inbreeding. still, he was wistful as he thought of the three very lucky males out there who would be the recipients of all this fertile, luscious, female flesh.
A New Venture: Choices
Their population hovered in the thousands rather than the millions, but it was enough to sustain them and keep it diverse enough that inbreeding had yet to become a problem. skar knew well enough how many labs worked.
Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 4
If you are offended by the following: incest, bestiality, watersports (urine), scat, bdsm, violent sex, herms, inbreeding, man on boy, boy on boy, rape, gay sex, gay relationships, or homosexuality in general, then please stop now and don't bother flaming
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 15
We have more than enough warriors to ensure that there would be little chance of inbreeding, especially if he overturned the chorotha-rothoo law, another law he could overturn without permission of the ishoo'se aka'ny."