Owning My Humanity -- Identity

In my case, i particularly fetishize the actual process of change, and would love being able to have a 'slider' i can pull, to decide how 'animal' i am at any given moment.


Six Weeks in Hell: Day 9

With the claw of his thumb, william slid the little slider on the face of the remote up higher. alphonse leaned against him more, struggling to contain himself.

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Semper Arame

The two kissed and bit and sampled each other's upper body and torsos ravenously then unable to wait a second more pongo moved his paws from around the wide neck and shoulder to the waistband of max's black sliders.

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Night Spa

His sausage-like fingers grasped at two sliders at a time, stuffing them into his muzzle and chewing the morsels like someone else might grab candy. washing down with soda he continued, before shoveling a whole bowl of fries into his mouth.

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Not for no reason...(Ch. 4)

Should be a slider on the inside that locks it." a glowing hand appeared inside the nearest car and waved at her. with contemptuous ease, it slid the lock undone and opened the door for her. _stealing things isn't hard.

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St. Haniel Asylum Chapter 4

After one or two corners he saw the godrays of sunshine peering through the slider doors. once again he sped up. freedom was so close. 20 feet away. he heard yelling from someone behind him. 10 feet away.

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Unexpected Results - Chapter 4

He said, striding to the slider opposite and out onto the balcony, closing the door behind him. "gabe, about dinner tonight," the older rabbit began, but gabe cut him off.

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 17-18 - by Skyfox

Bolgaras pointed to another set of sliders on the screen and took over the explanation. "these adjustments vary the power application to pulsate at a frequency you can alter for pulse speed and duration.

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Don't Unwrap Until Christmas

"this one..." she said, taking the phone from his hand and inching the left slider up "...is f-for the one that got /left/ outside." she dragged the slider back down to where dylan had left it.

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Setting Two Is Never Enough

._ ok, there's the slider. fuck! why isn't it budging? fucking move! oh, my god, i can't take it! it felt so good just a minute ago! relax, relax. adara, relax. ok. let's try again. wait. am i? am i going to cum again? no, i. oh, fuck, i am!

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Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Nine

The sliders resisted my touch. "did you hack the game?" i asked him flicking the menu back to him and he "caught" it with his fingers. "would i so casually let ya look over my menu if i had?"

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The Lifeguard - Part 1; The late shift.

I called, as i quickly slid the slider doors shut to the pool and switched the lights off. "mmhmm" he called back. silently propping myself up against a wall just opposite his changing cubicle i gazed at those shimmering blue shorts around his ankles.

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