Siberian the Half Blind Prince: A Call for Change
Catching the prince off guard he shook his head, no, but before he could speak kolkin quickly questioned the prince again.
prince regnar's way of thinking was different from that of the other princes, yes, but he was still a prince nonetheless.
Chastity Story: Bound by the Prince
"thank you, oh prince of princes. i am delighted beyond measure to serve as a tool you may use to teach a lesson."
Fairy Tale
With that the prince left. the princess pined away in her room, dreaming of her valiant prince through rose tinted glasses.
The Great Prince Returns and Ronno's Downfall
The great prince, bambi, faline and her fawn arrived at his den by night fall.
Tailing the Guildsman
And with that, the prince _slammed_ down, hard.
My Friends, the Stars
Stolas, the goetian prince, however, would not fall. except for one. that was where the cigarette held delicately within his long fingers. he had fallen, for the very one who had given him that pack of cigarettes.
The Dragon and the Princeling
The prince suddenly felt himself floating closer to the dragon, who settled onto his back so that the prince might sit on his belly.
The Lead Crown, Ch 7.6 Malcom (Part B)
The prince held out his arms and berro moved eagerly to him, wrapping his head and neck around prince malcom's shoulder.
Robin Hood: Robin's Capture
Robin whimpered and stuttered before forcing himself to yell out what the prince wanted. "all hail prince john!" robin cried out.
War of Revenge Chapter 2: Part 1
Was this the ninja that saved him, the prince could only think. "i'm fine." the prince muttered. the ninja just nodded and stepped away allowing the prince to step passed him. the prince led his men to the nearest inn to rest.
The Foxy Prince and the Husky by Jaydewulf
Tournament or people would ask questions so prince sen found albine at the tournament and accepted his colors and gave him a deep kiss his cheeks colored and he giggled like a girl and sent the prince off to the joust.