Outwolfed By a Fox Ver 2

There was no shame or resent in the wolf as he moaned, rocked his hips, whined, and called nick's name. he never thought he could sound or act like this: being so needy, desperate, and lustful.

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Kaleidoscope Epilogue - Déjà Vu

Kaleidoscope Epilogue Déjà Vu * * * # The Grand Palace, Luxor, Neo Egypt Yangu-Grurra System, Planet Vasily (YG-4) 09:45, 07/3/1, 16 XP * * * "Artemis? Son?" Iolvin stepped into the dimly lit guest room but kept close to the door. "How...

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Edge Walking. Chap 8: Abyss Embrace

And thus, food's unconditional friendship would unravel into shame's greatest henchman (jamie, fully aware that shame, beyond both fear or despair, was the most hellacious of all emotions).

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Black Sepia - chapter 9

In any case, being a library would be worse, i'd have to let people take the books home and ruin them, and then take them back after that shameful treatment.

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The Domestic PigFox

Once more the shame rushed forward "whats were you thinking?"

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Run The Blitz: Chapter 3

It was only after he had started to suck fuyu off he had remembered the camera, and then shame burned his guts like molten snakes.

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The Minotaur and the Snake Prince

He grinned, feeling a fierce satisfaction as he felt the boy jerk wildly, jolting with a dark, shameful ecstasy. he had wanted that.

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Innocent Turquoise - Millie's Mother

Sandy said, her tears of shame now tears of happiness. "i didn't think i would be either. you can thank turquoise for all of this."

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Saturday Matinee

It wasn't an angry thought, regretful, sad or even shameful. she was past shame a few years ago. it was simply the truth. a truth she was gleeful about actually, her own little special secret that no one else knew.

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Facesitting Story #1 - The Nut Job Movie Alternate Scene

\*sniff sniff sniff\* surly sniffs in shame. jimmy lifts his butt up and gets off. "now get the fuck out of here bitch." jimmy says. jimmy and johnny laugh as surly walks away in crying shame. surly jumps into a bush and out of site.
