Part III - Just Desserts

Five syringes with color coded bands were down strapped inside: two black, one red, one yellow, one blue. the yellow banded syringe was empty; its contents more than likely already injected into the streak grylor fed to him earlier.

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Till Death 2

Then she and the alien began taking the passengers' measurements with a holoprogram that surrounded them with auras of color-coded numbers. "yeah.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 68

In this case, they were color-coded. the stuffed bear, of course, had a red dot by it, indicating he would have to hit the red hole in order to get it. "can i play it mom?" he asked.

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Commission: The Arrangement

"color code on this says that anyone is allowed to look and touch, but not play." he gave a sideways grin and let out a little grunt. "as far as i'm concerned, you're just another sample for me to examine."

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Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Furs: Mitch's Story ch 7

Mitchel shakes his head a bit, trying to keep focused on miss nightfang and sam, despite his curiosity of the odd little café and its apparently color-coded

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The Clinic

He squeezed all three tube tips into the proper color-coded tubes which connected to the collection machine and then covered my glans with a metal case, fully encapsulating my foxhood.

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UTOverse: Surrender (Part 5)

He half-wondered if some of these were bloopers, until it cut to a clip from a showdown with a rynar terrorist where all of the squad were suddenly dressed in bright, color-coded spandex and doing ridiculous choreographed poses.

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To boldly go

Markers appeared next to the holographic representation of the _valiant_ -- our course, our speed, a few other color-coded things i didn't understand. pretty clever design, really. "what's this station?"

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A Wolf's Pride

Its fur had a similar color code to him but it didn't look as thick as his meaning a different breed was used. one of which he knew of. his heart started to beat in a different tempo as he gazed upon it. "i...

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Down the Rabbit Hole

Once power was fed into it from the suit's internal battery, he flicked on the headlamp, revealing a cramped tunnel, a corrugated catwalk, and a lattice of color-coded pipes that weaved across the sides of the walls and the low-hanging ceiling.

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For The Better [Commission]

The snow leopard licked his lips and thought about it for a moment, eyes tracing down over the color-coded text along his screen. this was one of the first sections he'd finished, so of _course_ it wouldn't play well with the rest of the project.

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