Soldiers of War pt 2 Rangers Lead The Way!

He zoomed his scope in on the enemy sniper focusing the crosshairs on the korean soldier's head. he put his finger on the trigger and gently fired his weapon.

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 21

Ron put the man's rifle in his crosshairs and pushed a button. "tagged," ron acknowledged. moving to the second man, ron noted that he was sitting down with a thermos in his hand. there was a rifle leaning nearby against the fallen tree.

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End of Summer Night

Kody's blade cuts a deep gash in its side as the brother set up a crossfire with the monster in the middle but mindful not to get neither kodyax nor niagara in their crosshairs.

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Enemy of my Enemy, Chapter 3

She centered her sniper rifle's crosshairs on the bug's optics, using the scope instead of relying on her targeting system, and punched an explosive round into his brain.

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Ablaze Ch.12: Battle of Senchen (9)

Placing his scope's crosshairs over a second story window, reaf squeezes the trigger a few times, silencing the machine gun. although the weapon is no longer in action, that doesn't prevent other sources of enemy fire.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 8 A Warrior Born

The gloves can interface with any weapon you are holding and provide you with a crosshair on your hud, or heads up display. the suit has nutrient packages installed, as well as a water circulation system that prevents dehydration and malnutrition."

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Zero Point: Chapter 1- At What Cost?

'_ brian thought as he put the scope's crosshairs just above the flash. he pulled the trigger, the rifle thundering in his ear and its recoil bringing him off target.

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Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 3

Eric continued staring as the jet completed an expert series of jinx maneuvers, alternating hard right and left hand turns before the mig came into clear view within the crosshairs.

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Through his scope, liam locked eyes with the strange furred alien standing out in the open, his crosshairs hanging right between its eyes. it looked like a standard red fox but was bipedal as were the others aliens he had seen so far.

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He sighted the ape in his crosshairs and waited until he was out of eyesight of the others. the ape moved a hand to cover his face in a yawn as he stepped out to the edge of the tower.

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