Family Therapy: Celestine Hentzel (and Rociel Hentzel)
**she does stuff on the internet with websites and stocks...** **good bunny!...** rociel, you really do participate in the stock trade? **yes.** how much money do you make doing it?
Adoption (Different Pokemon Arc)
"i'll give it a shot, though i doubt they'd have any in stock... same story everywhere else... viridian, pewter, cerulean... even lavender were out of stock... but we can always try something else out.
Dew-induced Lycanthropy - Werewolf TF
He had a feeling that he'd have to stop by the supermarket again tomorrow and pick up a few more tins, maybe raid the whole stock of them if need be.
Big Tipper (A SynTech Story)
His stocking showed signs of damage as they struggled not to split around his overgrown thighs, while the stretchy bands and silver clasps connecting the stocking to the bottom of his panties looked ready to fly off at any moment, but held on through some
A Very Murry Yule
While kyroku went into the other room to put up the minitree, tala worked fast to fill up his stocking with the things she'd bought the day before.
[Trade]Drachenreiter: Der Anfang von Askatrash
„hol jetzt den stock und fahr fort!" sprach der alte mann von seinem podest aus und sein vasall legte die peitsche weg um ein fingerdicken stock zu nehmen.
Meet Me in the Stables (Patreon Extreme)
Looks a lot different than the other breeding stocks your uncle has," she wondered out loud and stepped closer for a better look. "this one is an adjustable stock.
david's college days part thirty
Soon the computer was getting used less and less it was no good restarting the company seeing as they had no stock or little stock so they only used it to check there emails and of course go on there favourite website sofurry and just right up stuff
Chapter One - Mate
He worked at the local supermarket, stocking the shelves after hours.
Inner Sight
He'd had a flush of arousal when he'd pulled the white stockings he was wearing over his smooth skin. it felt so good, it had just felt right.
The Abandoned House
He looks down at the feet and finds the stock that holds them in. with hesitation, he takes off the stocks and hopes for the best. the legs seem to shift weight a bit in the box, probably noticing that the stock was removed.
Thieves Ch. 6 Nightmarish Perceptions, and Harsh Realities
"good girl." he said as he unlocked the pillory, freeing the feline. "kneel right here kitten. we shall test your punishment now." he said next pointing to an area in front of the pillory.