"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 11

The courtyard was gently illuminated by bioluminescent globes growing among the vines that surrounded the area. overhead a crystal clear dome covered the courtyard, allowing the stars to shine through.

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All Part of Being A Soldier Part two: Differences

He assumed it was bioluminescent of some kind yet his eyes went even wider when her tongue, the same bright neon green colour, flickered out to taste the air. to most she would be gorgeous, her body firm and lean.

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Mad Science - The New Apprentice

She was a crossbreed of a bat and a jellyfish, giving her body a natural bioluminescent quality. her blood glowed yellow, making her flesh glow the same color.

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A Class Act

Aero's face took on a tint of light green, of course he had to get his father's bioluminescence. "s-sorry sir, i-" "s'fine, just try to keep it together, will ya?" prof. tauget winked at him.

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Joining The Harem

His wide wings alight with shifting bioluminescent shapes. bile rises in gray's throat. seeing the object of his hate in person only causes his rage to soar to previously unimagined heights.

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Bursting to the Surface

His natural bioluminescence in his speckled pattern began to glow even in the light of the room, especially upon the symbol of the incubus now resting above daeva's face.

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Chapter 6: The Mad Cow of Studly Steppes

She slid and slithered through the darkness, her body responding of its own accord to make her will come to pass, and in short order, she arrived in a small chamber, faintly lit by what appeared to be bioluminescent moss.

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Beating the Heat: Dolphins (Conclusion)

For the moment, though, you decide to take a quick catnap - given the relaxed pace of their mating, you don't feel the need for hours of sleep to recharge as you might with your own kind - and then give yourself a tour of the bioluminescent stone walls

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Fun with Bolt and Penny 11: Thunder, Bolt, and Lightning

The white canine watched for any sort of visible radiation coming from the brown and tan dog, but saw no such bioluminescence. _uh-huh..._ thunder brought his face a little closer to bolt's.

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Stargazing: Chapter One - The Day They Burned Before Me

These little insects were bioluminescent, meaning they produced their own light. the small bugs made a mild buzzing noise when they flew around, and created their own neon pink light, giving me enough vision to see ahead of myself.

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CM:2 World Unknown

Lit by the dim bioluminescence of some kind of plant life. her igniting arousal going to the back of her mind as she followed the vine that traveled up the nearby wall.

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