How to Train Your Dragon Warrior
Shifu has finally got fed up with po's lack of discipline. the small master has decided to send po away, to train on the obsidian palace with the legendary master trancing rhino.
Of Beating Hearts Pt. 2
Since this view lay beneath the perception of humans, it was allowed to manifest itself into more and more generations of people until it eventually became the general view to discipline animals.
Performance Review
As a result, i felt it necessary to discipline her. midway through an over the knee spanking, she decided to comment, and i quote, 'you hit like a bitch'. i-" kuroko stopped her.
PU 48-M
Well; i talked back, and got my first experience with the 'discipline' function of the collar. it shocked the holy shit out of me.
Crossing The Narrow Bridge
We want kindness more but we must still take this to maintain our discipline." discipline would be necessary at a time like this with the bridge so close to breaking.
VI-X-Zen Show Pilot
Red: usually being a sex enthusiast is a favorable quality to be part of my crew but, that o, lacked discipline. but mostly had a big everything sucks attitude and was a massive bummer. o: sounds right.
Since jake was in need of fatherly discipline, and wasn't getting it from his father, he would have to except discipline from an old lizard instead. and that was fine with frank.
Kayla: To Live and Grow
Kayla was an orphan though, and only five, so how could she recall such a thing without even a person to discipline her?
Happy Horror Days
And then she laughs maniacally as she has been disciplined as she disciplined her own daughter but in a more permanent manner as she will never get the oppurtunity to regain her former form.
Hawlucha nearly tumbled over trying to pick himself back up and run from the furious watchdog, scrambling to avoid the smack of discipline.
Strict Upbringing 2
The session of discipline literally meant that you either do things the easy way, or the hard way.
The end of things. Chapter 6: The Academy.
However, the different disciplines taught during training were designed to complement each other, so that we could respond instantly, and appropriately, to any unusual situation we encountered. it was exhilarating, actually.