Voretober 3rd - "Braid"

After all, it wasn't unheard of for the fox to indulge his patrons.

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Delectable - A Text Adventure for Gurgle

(http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/y6s8b4jxc0_qpvoa9vuprw/delectable-demo) [become a patron and play the full version here!](https://patreon.com/gurgletcg)

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A Friendly Wager

Perhaps... he could entice the patrons even more? go around and serve drinks while lookin' sexy to squeeze in some extra tippage?

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Melting You Down

Right now, july's unpublished vignettes are available to read for patrons! if you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me!

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Isekai Lovers

One patron didn't care to revel in glory and praise for his work. he cared about one thing. the sweet innocent smile of sonzai.

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Human in the Fur Club

Thomas moaned loudly, getting cheers from the club's patrons, who were either pawing themselves off at the show, or getting service from another patron. "please, sir... b-be gentle...." thomas begged, recieving a hard slap to the ass for his request.

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Just a gigolo

Lovingly luis tail gabs the patrons ankle as he walks to his next suitor. to this one he sings" i'm so sad and lonely lonely ".

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Southern Free Agents, Ch 5

This story is sponsored by patron generosity and will continue to update monthly until completed, or until the benefactor has completed their time as one of my patrons.

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Strength of Silence - Chapter 2

The patrons continued to watch, quite a few leaving at the sight of the huge males beginning to fuck.

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Shorty's War 4

The patron burps, slapping the bar to produce jewels and ingots worth the price of his tab and then some. "when my patrons begin to say things they'll regret, that's when they've had enough," shorty responds.

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