How To Win In Paradise

Eating, sleeping, playing games, swimming, other stuff i guess?" "yeah, but dey're doin' it tagether. dey're all friendly-like, and dey all know each other like brothers.

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Chapter 2: Black Holes and Revelations

* * * after another two days of doing nothing but sleeping, playing videogames on jon's portable gaming system, retelling their statements to the police and eating horrible hospital food, they were able to leave.

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A Legendary Tail: Part Two

It would be much easier to go back," seven stood in sam's way, "think about it, you get a safe place to eat, sleep, play, and do other things. why would you ever want to leave such a comfortable place?"

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My life of a Dragon Slave Chapter 1

He gave my brothers and sisters a room were they can sleep, play and watch the hologram. he gave me a room with my own giant mirror and a wardrobe. he gave my parents their own room with their own large bed.

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Cub Services | Chapter 16

His arms were stretched out around her neck and he'd fallen asleep playing with the orange red hair on the back of her neck. his head lay right between her breasts with his ear directly over her heart.

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Second Childhood

As he drifted off the sleep he thought what a wonderful life to be a cub, their only job is to eat, sleep, play and be cute. he had forgotten their last job - poop.

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Brotherly Fun

"d-dammit, clock, i always thought you were asleep." play excused. various mares...he rutted all them because they liked him; he seemed as if he were a popular stallion back then.

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Sharon's Change

They were also illustrated dancing, singing, drinking, sleeping, playing, creating works of art and music, and so forth.

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Clear Skies [Commission]

Could put a video game on, turn the volume down real low so we can hear... and if mom or dad wakes us up in the morning, we could just say we fell asleep playing again." kal licked his lips, and swallowed again. "yeah.

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Be Careful What You Want

The dragon had been feigning sleep. playing her like a fool. "do you know what i normally do with thieves?" he accentuated his question with a snap of his jaws. syrreth trailed a claw across sabrina's neck and down her collar bone.

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A Most Interesting Christmas Gift - Part I

Everyone kept themselves busy either by sleeping, playing video games on the included 60'' tv, reading, or in alex's case, sitting quietly and watching the darkening scenery go by.

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