Yipping for More of Her (Puyo Puyo Tetris Fanfiction)
Tee curiously knocked on ai's door, wondering if he resolved the breach. "ai, is everything ok," he asked. ai nervously smiled as he minimized a porn folder he browsed through. "oh! captain!
Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 1
For all of the things that ai-na was going to have to deal with, emotionally and otherwise. two weeks later, ai-na got the phone call that she'd been waiting for.
Yellow Eyes: Two. Chapter 1
A concept rhenthar might call sentimentality, but it means so much more to the ai, because keman clearly loves his ship, and thus, loves the ai, as well.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 44 - New York
My tail wagged excitedly at the prospect of two things after locking the door behind me: sleeping in a bed i happened to own, as well as seeing zhao ai, if he'd not finished cleaning. "ai?" i stepped down the short corridor. "ai, are you here?"
Cybera - an erotic cyberpunk thriller - Chapter 18
The ai fell silent.
ai muttered to herself ai collapsed onto the bed, her temples throbbing as her body reacclimated to the cool fall air.
Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 2
They got into the car, and jenny drove to one of the local burger joints, refusing to let ai-na pay for anything. ai-na told jenny basically everything.
Chakai OC info
Background chakai is an open source ai. available as a free download on a website with hundreds of other ais. the reason there are so many different ais is due to the limitations put on them by law.
Aged Patience at Dusk (Otherwise Untitled)
~ [Author's Note: The Synth mentioned in this story are a fictional species of robot-folk, created by Vader-San. For an example image of a Synth,...
Understanding Wreck (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The bridge of the wrecked ship was a study of dust and debris, with only the single terminal appearing to cling to life as the bluejay carefully worked on the wiring of the base. The flickering seemed to stabilize for a moment, before she stood and...
Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 12
"i thought you said it wasn't an ai?!" the vole shouted as he tried to take cover behind the doorway. horizon forwarded the question to sam. "it's unlikely that an ai could be transmitted over the mesh," the ai clarified.
Species Survived
He turned his head towards the ai, hissing at how his snout remained ever present in his vision. "so turn me back!" "that's quite impossible," the ai said. "turn me back!" fulton shouted. "again, impossible," the ai said.