Project Valiant: Tape One

Any other use described here (but not limited to), such as duplication, distribution (either electronic or physical), misplacement or public showing (either to the mass media, police or government organizations or to non-subscribers) will result in immediate

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Part V- Total Dallaireian Overhaul

A sumo match here, a late night news report there, even a few pirate feeds reporting on what the corporate sponsored mass media chose to censor. " ... and takanohana iii sends his opponent barreling out of the ring.

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Part VII - Conceiving in a Glowing Afterlife

The lion artificial intelligence contained within the mass media device flashed up on the terminal screen. "n-n-no can do wile e." the badly rendered lion stuttered out, "amr has locked down this base's network access.

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Onix Again

"so that was mass media law and ethics," he said slowly to himself. "next is web design... where is that...?"

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The Flames of Pain and Passion

It was no secret to anyone that phantom was homosexual, the younger superhero hadn't been shy about making this fact known the first time he had been interviewed by the mass media a year after first getting into the superhero gig.

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Part IV – Of Wetwork and Wickerman

He lowered his voice slightly, addressing the ai still contained in the mass media device. "max, you okay in there?" "t-t-the next time you decide you want your s-t-t-teakehouse charred, you leave me behind at the arcology, will ya?"

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Dear Diary: Learning A Lesson

But some bright spark came along and refined the whole process with the help of mass media and technology.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 116

Maybe that's part of why the society forbade any sort of mass media; maybe that was good enough reason to find a way for avery to get something started like she wanted to. he was startled out of his thoughts by geoff's worried question. "hey, nathanial.

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“Free Range”: NSFW (Multiple Feral Farm Animal TF)

Since they still had a couple of weeks left before their big opening, a mass media campaign (well, massive for us anyway), was being conducted by the creamery, even though they were still a small family-run business.

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Soap Opera

## "dealing with the devil" science-fiction soap-operas are the only mass-media way that _six kingdoms_ war-dissenters and less-racist-hominids can propagate their messages.

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Civilian mass media and interplanetary gaming networks were a chaotic and colorful smorgasbord of data that many of his compatriots got lost in, while the military networks offered a more structured, albeit labyrinthine landscape that ciel found more appealing

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5th Anniversary Director's Cut Special Collector's Edition Extras

Indeed, mass media and mass communication in general, from the telegraph on up, have shaped our world into an 'information society'. none of that exists in equestria!

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