Meet Me at the Arcade 2 (Patreon)
Her son, brandon, was having a sleep over at a friend's house, which meant she was going to have a bit of a sleep over of her own.
Cold Days - Chapter 2
"well, we made plans to have a whole day together, then i was going to sleep over at her house. then after you called earlier, she calls and wants to do something, probably fuck.
A perfect: Never Ending Night
"but i'm not allowed to sleep over your house. you know that." "remember? my parents are on a cruise this week and my brother decided to sleep over a friend's." "that's right!" a look of surprise spread across her muzzle.
Introduction -- Yami and Hikaru
Then, an idea struck his head, "okay, how about this; i will sleep over at your place tonight. that way your father will not bug you tonight and tomorrow. i doubt he'll do it with a guest around."
Spring Break Games
For you to have a girl sleep over at your house?" david smiled with a bit of blush and said, "yeah, my mom is real chill when it comes to me and my friends.
What is Love? Ch 5
Well, maybe we could have a sleep over," he continued to look up at jakob, smiling innocently, "i mean, today, just a little fun thing between us friends, it'd be cool." "a sleep over?" jake was obviously dumbfounded by the idea.
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 12 the participants
Mom can i sleep over at the citadel tonight?" ember asked quickly. "at the citadel you say?"
Sleepover at Timothy's
"mommy, can friendly sleep over tonight?" timothy asked. "um... well i did say he could..." timothy's mom said, remembering her promise.
Young love
"well i was wondering if you wanted to come over, or sleep over my house, i mean if you don't want to it's fine..." isaac smiled and said "i would love to sleep over your house, i'll just ask my parents when were on the bus."
Roommates With benefits Chapter 8 (Platinum Patreon)
"it does kinda feel like we're having a sleep over," bentley replied and glanced in the backseat full of bags and boxes. "a really long sleep over." "and you're gunna love my roommates.
tigers and food i mean mice can get along
The weekend came and larry was at macey's and going to have the best sleep over ever.
Samson no Sam (a requested short story, may become series later)
It was the night of samson's sleep over. his mother and father were already sleeping , his first older brother cole was out of town with his girlfriend, and his second older brother preston was upstairs watching tv.