Plush New Pillow, ch 1
Swallowing, cobalt reaches the plushie up to his mouth with trembling paws and takes it in.
Perdie's Affair - Surprise Delivery
She was too busy ogling my bulging pussy, and the way that cobalt's balls kept _spurting_ inside of me. i just stood there, stunned, whimpering compulsively now. cobalt hadn't just fucked me. he hadn't just knocked me up. cobalt _destroyed_ me.
A Wispa On the Winds.
Apollo said, offering cobalt a rug and a sleeping mat as he led the beautiful percheron to a vacant stall inside the barn.
Chapter One - The Mistake
"no. no cobalt, i don't like this. i'm leaving. now."
A Twist Of Fate
cobalt said confidentially. he had a black and white way about him when speaking to angel.
SHIFT 008: Cold Bargain
cobalt had helped finish setting up the camp and stood watching frinkel from a distance. cobalt was a blue mage by trade.
Part One - Jacked
cobalt's fingers, still playing at her ass, gave her a bit of an idea. "i wonder there..." her hands came down, her fingers slipping down the back of cobalt's pants.
Melted Ice
cobalt laughed and dashed up the stairs quickly to the next few floors. "cobalt!" i screamed as i chased after him. "i told you i wouldn't visit her....."
City of Heroes Pt I
cobalt said with a grin.
Flash Pulp #9 Clone Sex
cobalt left his legs there atop his own shoulders as his clone rummaged around beneath them.
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Before either of them could say anything cobalt jumped slightly and the morphing cock seemed to grow even longer as silver liquid spurted from the tip. "cobalt... what did you do..."
D.E1 Chapter 31 Lone Great Canine
cobalt ended the communication, but her tears were evidence that something big had happened. "what's wrong, cobalt?" silver demanded to know. words didn't come out from cobalt for a moment.