Juryokine: April Fools!
Little did zashiel know that, in umbagumbwa culture, compliments are actually insults.
The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 3: Robin Hood
complimented ty. since they used the machine to remove kink shaming or sex shame as a thing, words like slut or bitch were actually compliments. that made "acting like a slut" a common fetish.
Getting closer with your dragon part 4
It's so different from the recycled, old compliments of a male trying to win over a female; and the mastery with which you wield words, like someone who has come into his power too young... but someone who wields it with passion and conviction..."
Sinful Temptation (DU 4:7)
Thanks for the compliments i guess. you're good at sex as well?" his compliment was more of a question than an actual compliment. "so what do you say to my request?" i asked, hoping that he wasn't trying to avoid it. "once. once every week."
Life by the Page 10
Why a compliment? he immediately recognized flattery as a mistake, it was a cheap scapegoat. however, he did not give compliments often, even despite what he said felt cheesy, he was being honest, he thought she was beautiful.
Kidnapped Jamie, love begins
Riyo complimented jamie's heart raced and he blushed deeper, he was happy and being complimented. but why did a compliment from riyo mean so much to him, jamie licked up and down the throbbing cock meat in his mouth slowly from tip to base.
A League of His Own
He was used to compliments, but they always seemed to come out in a sort of stammer of intimidation, unlike the coon whose words were so sure and strong. it sort of took him off guard.
Nick Wilde has a Three-Way With Judy and Gazelle
"good girl," he complimented with his signature smug smile, "now be a dear and show me those lovely tits of yours~" gazelle got onto the bed to lay on her back and display her body.
Strip Poker
Geoffrey blushed at his friend's compliment, "i'll take that as a compliment. can i sit down now?" the vulpine shook his head, "nope. the fun's just begun~" the gark raised an eyebrow and stifled a chuckle.
A Filthy Fling
The fox smiled at the compliment and the rabbit began to blush as he thought to himself, "h-how did it taste?" kevin asked, referring to the fox's scat.
A late Night Dinner
Obviously his wife, ex-wife gotta remember that, did not compliment him enough. or perhaps he see's me in greater esteem. which is flattering, though perhaps to sudden. why am i thinking so much?
A sweet tiger who never missed a chance to admire her, and whose compliments never read as insincere or trying too hard. '_beautiful as ever, whatever you share with us tonight, thank you! make sure you enjoy yourself!