Once, the building they shared with other tenants became infested by termites.
Meet Me at the Haunted House
Probably rat infested and teaming with termites. there had been several attempts to demolish the building, but every project ran into major complications that ultimately caused abandonment.
Welcome The Overload
"and termites." the ape said, laughing, but the other two just looked at him with quizzical expressions. he looked back at them, and stopped laughing, almost looking ashamed. "anyway, all of the above, minus the termites." the lion concluded.
Predscape Travel Blog - Kee
As our food arrives, the chitenous lady sitting at the other side of the table pauses in her story. Due to our difference in scale, she was seated upon a miniature stool on the tabletop, with a smaller table in front of her. As varied as our scale is,...
The Servant Cat
Like the boy, they were of wood, most teeming with termites. the ones unable to work were thrown onto festival pyres each night. the animals were another deviance entirely.
City of Morals - Chapter 3: All's in Pain
"damn termites!" a soft giggle escaped from the lady's chest, apparently finding the other fur's carelessness silly, "i guess i should've told you about the termites," "_you should have!
Serengeti Snow: Chapter Three: Among Strangers
The pair of felines lept over the damp muck that marked where the water flowed, and continued on until the grass was gone, replaced with cracked, dusty ground and the occasional termite mound. this land had been hit worst by the lack of rain.
Grimms 2
termite inspection?" the grizzly shook his head. "no.. would you believe, girl scout cookies.." a paw grabbed his tight leotards, fondling the crotch. "big cookies.. daddy, can i have them?" the bear growled. "if you are good.."
Leviathan 10: A Crack in the Armour
She palms the small poker-chip sized termite drive against the digital lock, putting her head on swivel for any nosey nursing staff.
Baker's Dozen: Cory Miller Part 1
It was a short walk to the house that had been marked for demolition due to an old termite infestation.
City of Morals - Chapter 8: No More Secrets
The surface creaked and shook under the objects' weight and ryleigh wished that he had stepped on the damn termites earlier. at his side, he noticed a sconce made for holding torches and placed the burning wood over to it.
Nala's Venture: The Floodlands
And with the current state of affairs, she was more familiar with raiding disgusting termite nests than nobly stalking and taking down large prey. she was half the lioness her mother was. "please mother. why must i go?"