A Bitter Sweet Farewell Chapter 2: His Lifeline

Pleasant reading, -xailnere \*\*\* a bitter sweet farewell chapter 2: his lifeline "do you hear me," a voice whispers, "do you know i'm here? please don't die, please. i can't lose you, not now."

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Jailed Soul - 2 - Estate of thine Bitter Heart

Jailed soul -estate of thine bitter heart- miss sapphire was a wonderful woman to behold. she went through all her paces of work, quickly and smoothly, without flaw or contradiction, always ready to help me at a moments notice.

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[p] Trouble in the Temple pt 1: A Bitter Rivalry

With a cry, Phrena unleashed her power in one go, a devastating Moonblast. The sylvan surge rocketed down the dungeon hallway, punching through the outriders who called this temple home. Rallying her teammates, the Sylveon forged ahead. "Keep close!"...

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Life is Heavy

Life is bitter, went the drudgeries of the sun, and it is better to be bitter in the stomach than to be pleasant, for bitter lasts forever. pleasance is an illusion. the bible contains many bitter truths, such as that all is vanity.

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Poems and Songs from March Hospitalization

Tea of misery just for me, tea of sorrow, wish i didn't drink for tomorrow, its a bitter tea, made of misery, life is like a bitter tea, tears and sorrow, tastes like tomorrow. bitter tea, life for me, bitter tea for me.

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Chapter 3 - Unbelievable Truths! Bitter Rivarly Between Men! (Part 2)

Best eurasia could compare it to was a combination of cherry and lime but mixed with bitter vinegar. the tongue was pushed right in, and greeted by the loving embrace of her vaginal muscles.

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Chapter 3 - Unbelievable Truths! Bitter Rivalry Between Men! (Part 1)

Eurasia himself gave a grunt, enjoying the bitter taste landing on his tongue. but the bitter taste left a sweet aftertaste, giving him the need for more. even while lost in the wave of bliss, she had plans for the one whom she could call mate.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 40: Home Sweet Home, Part 2

He let out a bitter chuckle, almost as bitter as the drink in his hands. looking down at the cup, he continued. "i just realised that i have depression towards the end of the twelfth grade.

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Vulpsis CYOA #3

Vulpsis' lips were growing numb from the medicinal properties and she was trying her best not to taste the sickening bitter flavor as she jumped and skipped back to her den.

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The Wrong Yggdrasil

"bitter? oh bitter~? it's that time again!" the squirrel god's eyes widened slightly as he witnessed a slightly bigger squirrel with a similar fur coat to him deftly scamper down the tree.

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Where Else to Turn (wip)

bitterness: bitterness is typically regarded as being tastelessly disruptive and unpleasant however it is unique in its followers who prefer it. it can be sharp or disagreeable but it is easily adaptable to any situation.

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