Saguaro Sky - Part Four - Chip on the shoulder
**saguaro sky** **part four - chip on the shoulder** with the sun high in the sky, the sweating horse and coyote reached the last corner of the long fence.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 6 | Chip & Inari
Hathor jumps out of her window landing in front of chip. "you're still going on this venture whether you like it or not chip. but will you be going as chip the zorua or chip doomtail, hathor's bitch." "why should that matter?"
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 11 | Chip & Inari
chip smirks. "i don't see your name on the sigh at the front of the forest." chip dashes at his opponent firing a few dark spheres at the nuzleaf's who smacked them away before throwing a punch at chip who slides under the pokemon.
Disbelief in Love and Life
chip : not like this ! chip starts to look around chip : where is allias ?
An Unexpected Study Session
"sit back, chip!"
Power of Suggestion
The boy shifted and pushed chip down, sliding over so that chip was face-down in the muck with the boy laying on top. after the wrestling match, chip didn't think anything of it. at least until he felt the hard prod against his anus.
The Importance of Sleep [Commission]
chip actually came to a stop momentarily as the text opened.
Distracted Dale
"chip... i'm-" "i know. i can feel it... just let chip take charge." chuckling to himself, chip increased the pace of his feet even further.
Pantsless Saturday
chip trailed off. "'well' what?" mark asked. chip struggled to get the next words out. "" chip uttered. mark just smiled. "man i knew that already.
A Conventional Weekend
chip chuckled, following her back out of the room while matching her infectious grin. after grabbing chip's considerably lighter luggage they got in line to get their badges.
Commission: Harsh Fantasies, Sweet Reality
"you okay, chip?" chip was taking deep breaths, trying not to cry after all that.
Forever Blue: Part II
chip said with a grin, "you might actually beat me this time." "i think the odds are stacked against you this time, chip." "why's that?" chip replied with a confused look on his face. "because..."