The Idle

He was much slower with this, the broad canine tongue easing into that poor overworked tunnel.

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Alisa's Nude Cafe Dining

"mayhaps, but that's not what i wanted to talk about," she responded in a more serious tone, "your employee over there seems a tad too overworked."

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Russ the Werewolf: Twitter Choose your own adventure story

His massive jutting wolf-hood was just millimeters from dragging on the floor under him as his overworked legs did their best to keep his quivering ass in the air. "arrrrghhhn!!!"

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Moonstruck Mother Memoir – Mesmerizing Maid Mission

When you hear that name, what some may think is creepy and strange, instead becomes the boon to many overworked men and even women who live within the city of fallen angels.

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Its All in the Details

Each wing commander also had an adjutant who took care of many of the staff duties, keeping the commanders from being overworked.

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Spending the Night

Parker didn't want her overworking herself. brooke sat up and rubbed her tired eyes. "for what? i don't want to sit around, and i want to keep adding to my savings... i'll feel better after friday." he nodded.

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 06

That also bothered him, he wasn't normally attached to cases, he'd had many taken away from him over the years, either by the feds, or just assigned to another detective due to being overworked.

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Just Visiting

"when she's cum, and she's already so overworked and over-sensitive... then you can fuck her, kobaj." by jeeves like my stories?

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The winter was longer than he wanted, and the barn where the rest of the livestock lived was drafty, and occasionally the overworked heater decided to take the day off.

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Miron's Journey: Godly Encounter

As he headed out the door, he felt that his muscles were a little sore, as if they had been overworked from the previous day. miron though about it for a bit but passed it off. he must have worked harder the previous day than he realized.

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Week One: Monday (Morning)

She had an attack one day when they overworked her. she had told them she couldn't go on any further, that she couldn't breathe, so they yelled at her and sent her off to her room with no dinner.

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New Purchase (Vore Story)

It was exactly what he hoped for and more - the muscles that he had overworked putting together and moving the thing were really appreciating the massage he was getting. "cccccoomme hhheerrreee, kkkkelllttreee..."

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