Lagomorphs -- Chapter 29: Mating
#30 of lagomorphs sunny, jeff and sky get very intimate. the same events are told from all three viewpoints.
Sunny Gummys Sauereien - Erster Teil
An alle anderen, viel spass beim lesen;-)=) sunny gummys sauereien sunny gummy standen die tränen in den augen.
Sunny Gummys Sauereien - vierter Teil
Tropfend und triefend ging sie hinter sunny in position. warme hände strichen über die goldenen strähnen auf sunnys hinterbacken.
Sweet Treats
sunny's only regret was that he couldn't eat him again.
Sunny with a Chance of Showers (Part 3 of 4)
Midnight's successes, plus sunny's working on his dick in physical pleasure, got him to cum in sunny's muzzle in a mere minute or two.
Precious Cargo 1
Cayla scrambled back to sunny's side, pulling her over to the back corner of the room where they both sat on the floor. sunny's long ears lay back against her head in worry. "what does a code yellow mean again?"
Sunny Part 4 - Demonic Practices
#4 of streetwalker's tale sunny adjusts to his new life as a demon following his deal with jack, the powerful hellish stallion. choosing styles of power and utilizing them as desired. "sunny....? sunny??!! is that you?!"
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 30: Mated, Part 1: Jeff's POV
#31 of lagomorphs sunny, jeff and sky get even more intimate.
Achieving the Impossible - Part 6 of Sunny's Storry
* * * over in the perspective of sunny and gregory: as they paired up, sunny embraced his tender approach.
Arctic Servant Chapter 2
I gulped and looked down at sunny. "i certainly hope that wolf gets caught soon." i did not like the idea of either me nor sunny becoming wolf-chow. we continued on and i followed sunny to a dumpster behind a popular fast food building.
A Party Queen
sunny wants nothing more than to have all eyes on her at all time.
[p] The Raptor Docility Project, chapter 7
Fran as sunny had with her.