There were some rituals that assured me that my meaty, biological brain still had purpose, and double-checking my shopping list was one of them. the reward was worth it, anyway.
double checking the data pad for a few more moments, making sure everything synced up properly, a green light flickered on each ring, and kaj was able to pull the limbs off.
.:Heart Swap ~ Chapter One:.
She thought to herself as she looked around the room double checking that she hadn't accidently missed him. it was unlike lime to leave one of his pokã©mon alone especially her, since she was considered a slightly rare pokã©mon in this region.
Stream of consciousness (Patreon reward for Kodi)
He double-checked he had saved his settings the last time he had changed it. that was definitely not the notification sound he had chosen! confused, the dragon shook his head. he placed his paw on his mouse, and then? _ping!
Meet Me in the Meadow (Patreon)
He breathed deep, acquiring the smell and double checking that he knew its source. it was about then that he heard the rapid rustle of grass reeds of a body staying low and out of sight.
StarBound: An Avian's Tomb
The eagle looked around, he striped himself and double checked one more time, he sat down and lowered his hand down behind him "what's he doing?" the sparrow whispered.
Hallux: A Short Story from Claw City
It wasn't until he double-checked the harness around his chest that he was proven correct. another seismic shift, this one a slower, steadier roll, flew across the neighborhood like a wave. it was great enough to twist mr.
Dishonest Departure
I double check the car and come back around to the curb, face-to-face with the harsh reality that this is it. reality looks back at me with barely restrained tears. i wrap my arms around him in a final embrace and he presses his face into my neck.
Stud-sitting Part 1
Turning back and handing the key to the fox, making sure to double check the number, he said, "you will be living in complex 19.
NC #10: Dangers of Uniformed Customers
She turned around again, double-checked the door was locked, and rapped her fingers against the door. "excuse me? excuse me?!" there was no response from the other side, just a sudden revving of the hitachi. second - no, third setting.
Big Macintosh's Mount
Even though all his other family members had left the farm ground, the red stallion was sure to double check. after a successful harvest came the time to tow all their products to the ponyville market and sell everything they had.
August 3: The Shrine Visit
Looking at the cover, i had to double-check to make sure my eyes weren't fooling me. it was a copy of "f-men mixture of different species battle", a compilation of erotic beastmen comics made by the best authors around.