Theft Doesn't Pay: Part 1.
The tough leather meets the fox's rump with a loud **smack** and creates a cruel sting quickly.
Belly Sex- Short
There are small splashes, barely audible against the thump of blood rushing around us, as we thrash and squirm, the liquid stinging us deliciously wherever it touches, our mouths almost glued together as we revel in our shared fate.
The Last Chapter
." ~~~~ the gates of the phindom opened slowly as the sting ray skiffs approached. jason surveyed the fleet of sting ray's accompanying him and streak back into the phindom. all skiffs were accounted for. the panther grinned. they had done it.
Living Inferno
Without warning it began stinging around my groin, again and again it stabbed down, causing the heat of its sting to begin an inferno in my sex. catching scent of my arousal it seemed different, odd somehow, not quite right.
A Cut Below [Commission]
At his nose and senses, the drier, sharper musk of her piss easily overcoming the deep metallic touch of blood and mixing with the acrid sting of his building sweat.
Confession for the Clueless
She drew her legs together, crossing them as she stood while he held her tail still and she waited for the sting to subside. she was not prepared for the rush of adrenaline mixing with the euphoria that followed the sting.
The Tales of Zachi and Ryan Ch.1, An Encounter of a Lifetime (Unrevised)
It might sting at first, but it will feel better after, and it won't get infected." he started to put it on my scratch, and it did sting a little as i let a little gasp escape my mouth.
Corrective Punishment
The stinging nettles covered every inch of his crotch and it hurt. zeke pulled winter's boxers up over his belly with a snap and growled. "hope you like those nettles, cuz even after they're gone they're going to sting and sting!"
Strict Upbringing 2
After the few crisp stings of the belt, her footpaws had crossed at the ankles - tail tip hugging against the pads of her feet. stinging madly, the belt's scorn had left many a mark.
The Parasite
Something about the sting last night (which he very colorfully remembered), had caused the sensitivity of his equipment to double, if not triple, and in a very good way.
story: A World Of Dark Muskiness (Greldon & Red Dragon) (m/m)
Indeed the red dragon was aroused by that powerful male musk burning and stinging in his nostrils very much, he just couldn't get enough of greldon's smell.
The whale in a steady rhythm and the only sounds that were heard was of a reptilian hand striking a bare bottom, and the crocodile was masturbating to the constant rhythm of spanks and howls of agony and he was glad that someone else was feeling the sting