Shifting Consequences--Chapter 8: Intimate Preparations
zack's mouth is hanging half open in lust. glenn lubes up his hands with zack's pre and zack starts to buck his hips. as he strokes zack's shaft he starts licking zack's opening. a loud moans bursts out of zack. his pussy is so wet.
Then, kevin hugged him from behind and rubbed zack's abs and chest. zack smiled and reached back to rub kevin's cheek. kevin laid his chin on his shoulder as he rubbed zack. then, his hand moved lower, towards zack's manhood.
Bear Necessities
zack whispered, barely able to speak with the paw on his chest. the beast turned and looked at him for a moment before it moved, coming eye to eye with zack. zack looked back, finding something oddly sentient in those eyes, something almost familiar.
Full Moon Series: Lunar Soul - Chapter Five
zack laughed and grinned, "you're really pushing for that huh?" zack wagged his tail and he blushed a bit. thoughts came to zack about what tarn had said.
An Eternal Rose:pt.3:Autumn Splendor
\* \* \* \* \* zack and kory ran into zack's room and closed the door and locked it. zack smiled as he and kory jumped into his bed and held each other close. "i'm so happy right now." zack sad as a tear of tear of joy escaped is closed eyes.
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 10
"i will," said zack. geoff released his son and left with an earnest "i love you." karen made to leave while giving zack some last minute advice. "have a good time, zack. don't forget your gift and be respectful!
Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 22
Chance peered around confused, unsure of why, of all places, zack would drag him into a clothing store-zack had to know that chance did not enjoy shopping for clothes. but zack didn't ask him to try anything on.
Private Lessons
zack said returning the grin. zack got up and kissed nikki goodbye for now. zack arrived the next afternoon. nikki's mom had to go to work which meant that the two could have some alone time. zack walked in throught the front door.
The Wolf and his Prey Chapter 7
zack began to lick the side of his kitten's face clearly loving her. amy began to loudly whisper to zack. "i'm going to cum" she said. "so am i" he said loud enough for the others to hear. zack pumped her even harder.
Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 15
She looked over at zack. "so, zack, you're a painter, right?" zack swallowed the food in his mouth. "yes, ma'am." "do you have any hobbies outside of arts? you were training chance, right? are you an athlete?" zack chuckled slightly. "only in pe.
Thawed by Love
He lightly pulled zack's shoulder, moving zack to where he was laying on his back rather than his side. zack looked at him with watered eyes, fear in them, but a little confusion as well because of shade's action.
A Zebra's Zeal
"thanks," zack said, hovering with his arm just above the back of her neck.