The Book of Warlock 20. At the edge of oblivion
In the middle of it all was the astral plane, a hub connecting everywhere all at once. the interdimensional doorway. he could see the beginning and the end of everything.
The truth dawns... Possession Chapter 7
The first seven pages of the pamphlet contain vague mystic writing; however, the eighth page details a formula for effecting astral travel.
The Yellow Sign
Purge..._ the monk was left with control over his body once more as the astral being left his mind and he darted to his feet quickly.
Superhero 4
Theorem felt little pain in his astral body, despite the contortions of his mudras and yoga posture. he knew that would no longer be true once he found his way back to his physical form.
MHO pt 3 - Highland Bunnies - Chapter 11
Th' other person wull become aware o' yer call, 'n' as lang as they agree, they'll meet ye in yer corner o' th' astral realm when they git tae sleep er etherwise enter th' astral realm themselves."
After the very first bite like a piece of gold hauled up from the brine like a bottle of vintage wine, a new spool of twine like woodsmoke and diesel, the smell of autumn like a 1930's film actress and her lace-framed bottom like breaching the astral
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 13
Certain people and spirits that are really good with the right kind of magic- like, really, _really_ good- can visit the astral realms of other people." lykou beamed.
Demimonde - Chapter One
In astral sleep, we are free to enter each others dreams, like travellers in an astral plane. here, we can interact with one another just as if we would be awake in our physical, and sadly human, bodies.
Fires of Draenor
The astral serpent looked at the monk curiously, and kylesa could feel the serpent extracting his thoughts. _i... see... we'll go... at once.
Hypnobear Week 2022: Moonstruck
His eyes were glowing in tandem with the moon, a bright yellow light filling them, the mind behind those eyes was being peeled away under the massive power of the astral body. **"awaken to a new life.
Bounzing Baby Boy (unfinished story)
Heartland was disappointed by his and droite's failure to capture the numbers and astral, he considered the duel to be a success, nonetheless, and let gauche off the hook, for now.
In Misty Pools Way Down Below
Pools way down below fungal claws grasp and grate, pulsate, shake stretching relentlessly to the diamonds of nharoketh spiritual shapes, potentiality into manifestation hideous schemes and thoughts do themselves grow in misty pools way down below astral