Interview with Rykela, the Breeding Dragoness
But no, not very many of them are breeders like myself.
Gnoll Adventure
Our massive breeder gnoll had a canine knot and it had inflated to gigantic proportions.
Breeder City Ep.6 (Final)
#7 of breeder city so this is the long awaited final episode of breeder city. i would like to know what everyone thought of the story? enjoy the characters? the setting? too much story not enough sexy time? please let me know.
Breeder City S2 Ep.4
Suddenly a breeder was smashed as a cheetah was swinging a heavy pipe wrench around screaming, chasing and fighting off the breeder scouts.
New Found Fishery
The male laughed and complied with the new breeder's request mating her.
Breeding Roulette (incomplete work - Nothing more)
Kudos to the breeder of the dewott, you just made this night start off with a sure surprise!" the audience clapped to the breeder where ever he or she was.
The Breeder's Temple: Day 1
But if a blackie mated a breeder, the hatchling would be a pure black.
That was no the only reason the breeder was nervous.
Breeder City S3 Ep. 3
The many breeders in the building starting snatching up their victims and evacuating at the behest of an unspoken command. a breeder warrior scuttled over and grabbed chief anderson and started taking her away. "mom no!"
Milah vs Winnow 2
The breeder thrusts into the scientist, spreading them out, filling them up. winnow throws their head back, and milah follows up by placing kisses at their neck. "m... my body...?" winnow gasps.
Crystal Memories: Pride and Lust
"you... are... of course a breeder would be in breeder classes! by the gods, what am i going to do!?" one of the twin corgis looks her over a moment, "well, at least you are long cycle for a breeder?
Uriel's Fire
> breeder l. ardale: > your assigned partner, breeder g. romer, > will not be reporting for duty today.