Filling in for Her Mother
She could hardly remember her mother in the first place, but her youth was filled with fond memories of her father, darius, always being there for her.
Filling the Role [TSR]
All of that extra time lifting weights really paid off for him in the end as he possessed the body of an underwear model by the end of the week, much to his amazement. Never before had he looked like this, and yet now that's what stared back at him in...
Curiosity filled the cat
Hugging and sloshing his pre-filled belly, it looked like he could be pregnant... with triplets... 3 months overdue!
Brood-filled Judy
His nuts slowly deflated to a normal size as judy filled bigger and bigger, bloating and swelling until she was the size of a house. his throbbing fox cock was finally satisfied with its work, and retracted back into its sheath.
Filling His Brother
The first spurt of cum filled blake's anal passage, thicker than that of any other guy that he'd slept with, though that in itself was not unusual.
A Big Hole to Fill
Perhaps this was what it felt like to be properly filled, to be satiated. it had always felt like he had a big hole to fill, it had just become an issue of finding the right man to fill it.
Filling the Christmas Air
His body and head felt lighter as well, actually physically lighter as if he lost weight yet with each breath he felt more filled. not just physically filled like ace had just eaten a wonderful christmas dinner, but filled spiritually, emotionally.
A Pooltoy Filled With Fart
He closed his eyes and pushed his bowels, and after a second or so of nothingness, the gas started filling up the toy. the idea of shipping his farts to a customer filled him with lust and pleasure, his face bright red.
Short: Morning Fill
**short: morning fill** by shravasti * * * something had changed this morning. toby, the 9 year-old brown foal woke up to find a weird weight on his boyhood. when his eye blinked open, there was a tentpole in the middle of his blanket.
Filling out the Ranks
The taste of blood filled the shark's mouth, but it was far more than even the neck wound would've suggested. he found he wasn't able to remove his teeth either, as if the flesh had become solid around each of the sharp tooth.
Fairy's Brew - Filling
The mienfoo received the filling with a sigh that rapidly grew into a guttural, deeply lustful groan.
Curiosity Filled the Furret
Two large, heavy balls filled his vision... oh, gods! each one was bigger than his head, and they swayed as the arcanine curled his body around, letting them hang ominously over his chest.