
The base of the bell tower, where sam was locked in a kiss with the stallion dj, his legs wrapped around the big guy's hips, his footpaws digging into his ass.

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Looked up to the bell tower and saw the time. his next class was in ten minutes. he would sit in the back row, as always. and zone out. but, today, for the first time ... his daydreams would be a bit more vivid. they would be in full-blown color.

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part C

The bulk of the book was devoted first to a survey of the exterior of the cathedral "and its precincts," which included the bell tower, the monastery, the infirmary, the treasury, and

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Pokémon: The Attack On Mount Silver

To the west, across the thick forests around the perfect cornflower-mirror of the lake of rage, rose, lofty, the bell tower, its curved roof elegantly tasteful in the architectural idiom of johto, as elegant as a kimono girl and just as timeless, torches lit

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Thirty

"the bell tower!" adlis exclaimed. chorrad shook his head. "you'll never make it! tarrug shel'vain's eye is on the d'yargo church! he'll have you the minute you--" "it's our only chance. either we run, or we sit here and wait to die.

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Excerpt 18- Ram On Heaven's Door

We managed to break engagement and find a new path around about a quarter of a click east of the church and when we got there, we were greeted by a large, well built wooden building with a huge bell tower that was going at full steam ahead.

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Bat and Cat 1

You should check out the old bell tower. it?s probably the most interesting feature of the school?s exterior.? ?yeah, fine,? ross said, pushing open the office door and making her way out through the main doors. the sky had clouded over, but ross didn?

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PokeNNN - Round 29

One had about 10000 followers watching a lugia and a ho-oh fucking in the bell tower and the one that was a gigantic cumdumpster that was the lugia. the bad thing that the connection goes down when it was going to explode.

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As Winter Falls: Ch. 3 - To Kill a Bear

The old school bell tower also served as a warning signal to the residents of the town, sounding out a different rhythm when the alarm was sounded.

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TBT#3 (Fanged Filled Fun)

After nearly an hour later, she was nearing a village as a large bell tower into came view at a distance with many cobbled stone and wooden buildings and houses, looking like it came out of the renaissance or medieval period.

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The Files: Contract Unknown - Who's the Hunter and Who's the Prey

She reached the highest point in the city, the bell tower on the city hall. scaling the building, she pulled herself to the lookout at the top of the tower. sitting down in the corner of the lookout, she opened the contract and read.

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Drums and Balls – Crime and Punishment

Lol, i almost turned back and reserved the moment i turned the street corner, because the bell tower of a small church came to view...and looking at the fuzzy printout and address and the gps, it meant that my destination was a small building next to the church

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