Night Legends

About a hundred yards from my cabin, a man in a fur jacket and snowshoes lowered his still-smoking gun. about 50 yards away, a dark shape quivered and steamed in the frigid air, letting out a faint whimper.

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Any Port, Chapter 2: Taiga.

Although he attempted to make for himself a proper pair of snowshoes, what he wore was clearly more concerned about keeping his feet warm than fashionably floated.

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Red And Black

The snowshoe hare investigator adored him, so it was pretty easy to maintain that contact.

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Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 38

A polecat, a lynx, and a snowshoe hare sit at the end of the semicircle farthest from the door. in all, including pica and dunn, nineteen males are in the room, under miranda's control. "you two get in here," she says.

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Arctic Hunger

The orca opened the door to see a snowshoe hare pulling off winter gear, surrounded by hot huskies in harnesses. karpok looked beyond them to see a dog sled next to the cars... oddly with a big red club placed amongst the reigns.

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Maluek and Blossom (M wolverinetaur/F inflatable raccoon naughtiness)

They spent half an hour swimming, his huge snowshoe paws not a match for even a young half otter's webbed toes in the water, and by then she had seemingly forgotten about the package.

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Trouble in deep space

Though she was a purebred snowshoe, no fur found it easy to identify that; her visage and body were longer, more stretched out than average making it difficult to tell.

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Access All Areas - Commission for Furiousfur

Zieg brushed his free hoofpad firmly down the wolf's length, then briskly up, spreading his cloven toes wide, gripping the wolf tightly with his snowshoe-like foot and drawing a desperate whimper from the lupine.

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A visit to the Tower of Changes

The bracers and helmet might look heavy but together they were perhaps five percent of his weight and his huge snowshoe paws were also good for paddling.

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Experimenting with the librarian

The snowshoe cat had been studying in the library for a few hours now and decided he needed a break.

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Tales of Morveria: Frigid Pink Ep. 1

snowshoe hare and the occasional deer become their staples. they hunt deer with their bestial speed and strength, chasing them into corners so that kyron or sakina can leap upon and spear them. many days pass.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 7 - Frost Bite

Climbing gear decked out along the walls from karabiners to hiking poles, taut ropes and snowshoes well-placed and categorised all along the wooden log walls.

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